Building Up to Break Down

Start from the beginning

Frantic gears were turning in the shark toothed boy's head as he drained the milk from his bowl, his eyes suddenly burning from the sting of tears.

This is so... so... UNMANLY!

Kirishima stood abruptly, ignoring Kaminari's sleepy questioning as he made his way over to the isolated blonde in the kitchen. "Bakugo." He said softly, coming to stand next to him. His gaze moved out towards their classmates, and he watched as several eyes darted away from where they had been previously watching the two.

"What?" Bakugo asked him slowly, a single eyebrow raised as he brought his steaming cup of coffee to his lips.

"Do you remember what you did at the restaurant last weekend? At Miyazato's?"

"Hah?" Bakugo's voice raised in volume slightly, but Kirishima continued.

"Well I think it was super manly how strong you were. You weren't afraid to be yourself and you proved that lady wrong." Kirishima placed a hand firmly on Bakugo's shoulder, his cherry eyes burning passionately into the other boy's confused face. "What I'm trying to say is... I want to prove all of our classmates wrong too."

A flush of color lit up Bakugo's face and he swatted Kirishima's hand away. "Hey now Shitty Hair, I'm not about to do anything so rash! Where's your head you dipshit!"

Kirishima puffed out a breath, dragging a hand over his face before pleading again with the blonde. "Look Bakugo, you were right. I was too caught up in myself to notice it, but our classmates are avoiding us. I don't know what to do, but I can't stand this! I don't even know what's going on!" A note of desperation was evident in his voice as he tugged again on Bakugo's arm.

Bakugo regarded him silently for a moment before opening his mouth to speak. "I'm always right." Kirishima groaned. "And I don't think we should-"

"Hi Kirishima!" Midoria chirped from his spot near the bagel stand. "H-Hi Kacchan! What are you two talking about?"

A series of explosions burst from Bakugo's hands as his face twisted in anger. "None of your fucking business, shitty nerd!!" Kirishima pinched the bridge of his nose as Todoroki now came into the kitchen, his normally unreadable face now quirked in confusion. "Is something the matter?" He asked flatly, picking up a banana from the fruit bowl. "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS EITHER CANDY-CANE SHIT! FUCKING LEAVE!"

Bakugo's hands were sparking loudly now and Kirishima placed his hand back on the blonde's shoulder for reassurance. "Bro, calm down-"


And that was it, the use of his personal name combined with the pink tint climbing higher on his normally pale face was what gave him away. Kirishima's eyes darted back out to their classmates, and noticed now that none of them looked away this time.

"Ah, so it has something to do with Kirishima then?" Todoroki spoke calmly, his eyes regarding Bakugo with disdain as he began peeling his banana.


"There will be no killing this early in the morning."

The abrupt cease of Bakugo's sparkling hands, alerted the class of Mr Aizawa's presence.

"Everybody finish eating. Class starts soon." He said cooly, shooting a look at the four in the kitchen before making his way out the door. The rest of their class moved quickly, as though just realizing the time, and the drama was forgotten for the time being.


Kirishima couldn't stop thinking about it. Why would their class be ignoring them? It didn't make sense. It's not like the two had intended for their fight with St. Valentine to go the way it did. And even so, he would have expected his classmates to be more understanding of their situation.

The redhead sighed, finishing his doodle of Bakugo in the margin of his textbook. He glanced up at the clock. It was almost time for English, so he'd have to get out his vocabulary sheets. He lifted his chin off his hand as Present Mic clamored into the room.


"Good afternoon, Sensei." the class chorused in their collective response.


The classroom seemed to brighten at that, their attention brought to the small black box Present Mic had in his hands.

Present Mic lowered his voice, "Today we're going to play a game that is very popular in America!"

The class cheered, everyone's book tired expressions seeming to melt away.

"The game is called, Truth or Dare!"


There's a bit of Present Mic in me after all. ;) Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter, the next chapter is really going to make sense of things.

I'm so grateful for all of your support! If you like my writing style, feel free to look at some of my other books! This book might be coming to an end, so I'd love if you'd check out my other work! :)


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