Chapter 15: It's Gonna Get Icy

Start from the beginning

"Cordelia, take Alkanos over to the fireside, I'll speak with the innkeeper about room accommodations." Volsair said, in a hurried whisper.

Taking Alkanos again by the arm, Cordelia helped him to an empty chair by the hearth. Alkanos thanked her and began to warm his hands.

Cordelia removed her hood and stayed near the fire. "Feeling any better?" she asked Alkanos, bending over so they would be eye to eye.

"I'm feeling better," Alkanos admitted. He could feel the cold leaving his limbs and face. Alkanos could feel the internal fires in his cast-iron stomach begin to reheat, spreading warmth throughout him. "I could do with some hot food, and a warm bath." he said, exhaling a fully formed smoke ring, that dissipated as it joined the could of pipe smoke near the common room ceiling.

"We all could." Cordelia agreed, hungrily eyeing, the tray that held bowls of stew, a server was carrying to tables.

Alkanos took a deep breath, allowing him to take in the various scents of the room. At the worst, he could smell that some travelers were in serious need of a bath, which made him grimace reflexively. He also didn't like the smell of the smoking pipe herbs that smelled strong and bitter. Both smells made Alkanos feel like it would be a while before he could shake the smell from his nose.

The smells Alakanos loved was the smell of roasting meat, that carried from the inn's kitchens. The spices blended with the natural smell of meat over an open fire, made the Prince's mouth water in anticipation. There was also the smell of hot spiced wine that was carried on trays."Will you be singing tonight?" Alkanos asked, Cordelia.

"I might... It depends on if I can eat before preforming or not." Cordelia replied.

She was about to tack on your 'your highness'. Alkanos thought, noting Cordelia's pause. Honestly, I just want to be called Alkanos, none of this your highness stuff...for the time being of course. Alkanos just about ground his teeth irritably. He was past tired, about your highness this, and your highness that. Alkanos just wanted to be treated like everyone else, not some demi-god who was put up on a pedestal, admired by all and feared by all.

Alkanos let out his breath with a serpentine sounding hiss, a few sparked followed. With a dismissive wave of his hand, the sparks extinguished. Alkanos just wanted to be treated like a normal person. Even though he is a member of Eldoria's royal family, he was still, Alkanos, the guy who rescued people, and fire breathed if made mad enough.

"Alright!" Volsair said, rubbing his hands together as he strode over to the fireplace. Judging by his gait, Volsair was happy about something. "I just got us two rooms here for the night." Volsair explained with a grin. He put a hand on the flagstones of the fireplace, and leaned in, almost nonchalantly. "Hot baths and food included."

Alkanos saw Cordelia's face change like she was lost in thought when she heard what Volsair had done. "Makes me wonder." Alkanos murmured.

That bought Cordelia out of her current train of thought. "Did you say something?" she asked.

"I was wondering if you were going to be singing and storytelling tonight. Who knows? We might be able to get enough money for supplies to go through the mountains." Alkanos said, If they had to depend on the clothes they were wearing, it would be an extremely short trip.

"Actually. I already have that covered." Volsair said, proudly. He was grinning, more than what he had when he first came from the front desk, that doubled as the bar. "I'll explain later, but if Cordelia wants to perform, she's welcome to." Volsair said, getting off the fireplace and gesturing with both palms up.

"Eh...I'll do a show. The extra money wouldn't hurt. And, it'll bring more publicity to a town as small as this. More publicity means trade...but that means more soldiers." Cordelia said, her brows knitting as she began to balance the pros and cons. "No offense." She said to Volsair, as she looked into the flames dancing in the fireplace. Figures danced in the flames, visible one moment, then gone the next. "Does anybody have a Lute I can borrow?"

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