harry learns something (edited)

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Hi, guys, so this is my first fanfic, even though I'm obsessed with both of these series'. Anyway, you can comment any suggestions, because, as I said, this is my first fanfic, and suggestions are always welcome. And as a warning, this will have spoilers for PJO, HP, and HOO. This story takes place after BOO, and during Order of the Pheonix. JK Rowling and Uncle Rick own all the characters, but I own the plot.


Running down the stairs, Harry wonders why he was called in for a meeting and what it's about. After all, the Order, and been pretty clear about not letting anyone except for them listen in on their meetings, saying Harry, Ron, and Hermione, were "underage." Which is true, but doesn't account for everything that the three of them had been through together. You'd think being the one who destroyed Voldemort the first time would earn him some primages, but that seems to be wishful thinking on Harry's part.

Ignoring Mrs. Black's screaming protests, Harry enters the dining room and sits next to Ron, who's eating a bag of crisps. As more and more people start to file into the room, Harry wonders again what the meeting is about; after all, although he had initially thought it was about his recently closed trial, he doubted that it was so crucial that Moody would show up. Alastor Moody is more commonly known as Mad-Eye Moody, or simply Moody was an ex-Auror, with one eye, who had way more important things to do than figure out Harry's trial. For instance, he could be testing all of the food in Grimmauld Place for poisoning. As yet another person walks into the room, Harry is startled to see Dumbledore, who has rarely stopped by for more than a few minutes.

Suddenly, Hermione comes rushing down the stairs, saying, "Sorry I'm late, I was just reading this Herbology book Neville gave me, which is going to be so useful for the OWLS, by the way, and I just lost track of ti-"

"We get it, Hermione," Ron says, laughing and gesturing to a seat next to him.

As the remaining stragglers arrive, mostly just consisting of Mundungus Fletcher, Dumbledore begins to clear his throat, starting what is seemingly going to be a very long speech.

Harry's suspicions are confirmed when Dumbledore starts to speak, "Now a couple months prior, I had received an owl from Ilvermorny, asking what to do if a wizarding student, has not responded to their letter."

Harry suddenly found the window quite fascinating.

"Now being somewhat familiar with the situation," Dumbledore looks at Harry, earning a few chuckles from the rest of the table, "I had suggested to send a someone to his place of living. Ilvermorny's Headmaster, Agilbert Fontaine, had assured me that this was the first step they had taken. Ye, for some reason, this child was mysteriously not there every summer, and his mother refused to explain where he was."

Harry wanted the Headmaster to get to the point, but when dealing with Dumbledore, he knows it's usually best to save the questions until the end.

"Now, I of course thought this to be most peculiar, seeing as the Hogwarts letters don't go to a specific address, but use tracking spell to find the recipient."

Harry nodded, there's no way that shack in the middle of the ocean had an actual address.

"Again, Headmaster Fontaine, told me the Ilvermorny was the same way, but for some reason, the tracking spell was unable to find this individual. Now, here I must admit that my curiosity got the best of me. I had asked for this student's name and decided to do some digging of my own. The results were quite disturbing. Voldemort, it seems has a descendent."

Harry turned the information over and over in my brain until he realized what it meant. His thoughts started to go haywire. Voldemort had a son? Or a grandson? Someone who could be a Death Eater and ruin everything the Order is fighting for. Ron is shouting questions, and rude remarks that Harry probably shouldn't repeat, and Hermione is just shaking her head, absorbed in some state of shock. Dumbledore signals for silence, telling us he isn't finished with his life-altering drone of words.

"As I was saying, this itself, was of the utmost surprise. Not only did Voldemort, have a grandson, but one with wizarding capabilities? I understood that this child must never come underneath the influence of Lord Voldemort. So I set out to find this child myself, and hope that I wasn't too late. When obtaining his Muggle records, I had come across a piece of parchment.

He takes something out of robe pocket and continues to read, "This must remain hidden -R.A.B."

Waiting for the screams on protest, groans of confusion, and awkward staring off in the distance to cease, Dumbledore stares at his parchment.

When the only person still complaining is Ron, Dumbledore says, "Harry, Lupin, Ron, and Hermione, will accompany me to visit Perseus and explain our world. We must stay as peaceful as possible, however, we can resort to magic if necessary."

He rises from the table, leaving everyone present in shock. As people slowly start to leave the dining room, mumbling brief excuses, soon, the only people left are Harry, Ron, and Hemione.

"I think we should give him a chance."


"Well, because ancestry doesn't mean everything, he could still be a good person."

"Hermione, his grandfather is Voldemort. You know, that same one that is trying to kill us."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's evil, I mean look at Sirius's parents, he still turned out fine."

"Still, Sirius' grandfather isn't Voldemort."

"Well, I beg to differ."

"So Sirius's grandfather is Voldemort?"

Hermione slaps her forehead, "No, I disagree that we should judge somebody based on their ancestry."

So, was is good? Bad? Decent? A chapter that makes no sense at all? Feedback would be appreciated very much. Anyway, like I just said, even if this makes no sense whatsoever and is terrible writing (which is almost a definite), I just wanted to say thank you for reading this, and yeah. Anyway, check out the picture at the top, because it's usually some book reference that I find hilarious, and causes everyone else to think I'm mentally disturbed, which is probably true. (No hate to people who suffer mental disorder (cough, cough, Percy), and have to struggle with these issues, this is something that I just kind of say, and should probably stop saying.) Vote, comment, and yeah, that's it, I guess. This chapter is 1139 words, including the A/N's. Also again, I'm open to suggestions on where you want this story to go, and ideas you might have. Thanks for reading! ~Thank you, ryleeoverhere.

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