"Nico, can we talk-" Octavian began.

"There's nothing to talk about. You cheated on me for 6 months, Octavian. 6 months. You have no fucking idea how much that hurts. I've been cheated on before but I thought you'd be different, I guess I was wrong. We're through, Octavian. Leave me alone and never speak to me again. I mean it." Half way through Nico's speech Octavian began to cry, begging forgiveness. Nico stormed out and ran to Rachel's car, Octavian still sobbing after him and throwing apologies everywhere.

"Fuck Nico, what happened?" Rachel asked worriedly as Nico climbed into the car, tears streaming down his face.

"H-He, He," Nico couldn't find it in himself to say it. Cheated.

"He what, Neeks?" Rachel said gently.

Nico took a deep breath to calm himself. "Octavian cheated on me." He finally said, the words tasting like brittle in his mouth. Suddenly, a shoe came flying from Octavian's house and it hit the window, making a small crack.

"What the actual fuck?!" Rachel screamed.

Nico rolled down the window and heard Octavian screaming at him, "Leave then! I don't give a fuck! I don't need you! Fuck off di Angelo! I never want to see your face again!" Rachel pulled out from Octavian's driveway and sped down the street, her knuckles ghastly white gripping the steering wheel.

"Neeks, I'm taking you to my house. I've called the others and your parents, they're there already. It's gonna be fine." Rachel reassured. Nico nodded his head, wiping his eyes harshly.

"He's just a guy, there's plenty others." Nico said.

Rachel's eyes became darker. "Like who, Nico? You've been with every guy and probably screwed him anyway, I don't think there's anybody left. Except, that boy from New York."

Nico sucked in a breath sharply. "I don't fucking care about him." Nico growled.

Rachel quirked an eyebrow. "Nico, they say you never get over your first love. I'm sure if you were to go back to NYC then-"

"Shut the fuck up, Rachel." Nico's voice cracked and Rachel's expression softened.

"Sorry, Neeks. Let's go watch supernatural and eat ice cream."

*At Rachel's house*

"My poor baby boy," Maria cooed, rocking Nico back and forth like a baby. Maria turned to Rachel's parents, who were watching sympathetically.

"I think we should get going now. Thanks for the coffee and the snacks, but I think Nico needs to get to bed." Maria smiled sadly. Mr and Mrs. Dare nodded and said goodbye, as did Nico and his friends.

"Call us as soon as your parents have told you." Hazel said, kissing Nico's forehead.

Nico scrunched up his face. "What?"

Hazel looked at Rachel and Frank who wore grim expressions. Even Leo looked disheartened.

Bianca came up behind Nico and put a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks, Nico's friends. For comforting him. Now, come on little brother. Tonight's gonna be a long night." She said softly.

What was everybody so anxious about? Nico nodded and sniffled, taking his big sister's hand and letting her lead him to the car.

*At home*

"Nico, son, can we talk?" Hades asked, surprising gentleness in his voice. Nico nodded warily, sitting down on the couch opposite his parents.

"Nico, mi armour, we know you've just went through a breakup, but we need to tell you something. Urgently." Maria said softly. Nico nodded, as if saying 'Carry on,'. Hades cleared his throat.

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