Chapter 15 - Pitch black

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C h a p t e r F i f t e e n
Pitch black

"Happy brithday, Harry! Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you," I chant while I cheerfully clap my hands together in front of Harry's glowering face of utter annoyance. 

"Stop," he groans, pushing my hands away from his face as he stands up from his seat, ready to go off, wanting to escape me.

"Wait! You gotta blow your candles first," I say, taking the lighter out of my pocket and carefully lighting up the candles on my mini homemade cake. I mean it's more of a brownie than a cake.

Today, I tried my very best to wake up as early as possible to at least make him something small and simple while he sleeps. He may not want a celebration or a party but him blowing out the candles of his cake is the most crucial thing to do on a birthday - his birthday.

"Rose." He gives me a look before I take his hand and pull him back to his seat.

"Come on, make a wish." I grin at him and he sighs, taking a seat once again.

He intently stares down at the blue candles, his eyes scanning through the tiny details. I made sure the candles were at least special since the cake is just plain chocolate, nothing too fancy.

Out of the blue, I spot him playing with the fire with his finger, making contact with it. He doesn't seem to react or be in pain. I take my phone out to take a picture of him and his eyes snaps at me. My shoulders jolt up and goosebumps form across my arms as I am caught off guard by the sudden occurrence of his eyes turning pitch black for a mere second while I took the picture. I scroll through my images and find the photo I took of him to detect Harry with his normal green eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" he asks, snapping me out of my zone. I nod and reach out to position his cake properly in front of him. "Go on," I urge before he breathes in and blows out the igniting candles, the flame immediately disintegrating.

"Did you make a wish?" I chirp, shoving my phone back in my pocket.


"Oh well." I shrug and motion him to stand up. He obliges and stands in front of me. I embrace him, my arms enveloping around his neck, him lowering down because he's too tall for my reach. He enfolds me in his arms and nuzzles his face into my neck. "Thank you," he whispers and I shudder.

We pull away from the hug. "Can I eat your cake?" I ask in a nervous chuckle. "Since you don't eat this kind of stuff, right?" I add, my lips forming into an awkward grin.

"Yeah, sure," he chuckles and shakes his head at my silliness.

• • •

"Before we go to the bar, I want to go to the hospital," Harry states, abruptly stopping the car because of the red light. Scrunching my eyes in bewilderment, I avert from the window and fix my attention to Harry. "Why? Are you okay?" I ask, searching through his body and a realization hits me; his scars.

"Is this about your scars?"

"What?" He shoots daggers at me.

"I- uh."

"Don't talk about my scars ever again. Understood?" he spits in anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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