"I play football and this is the fourth time my knee gets injured. The doctors told me that if I injure it one more time I might not be able to walk anymore."

"I've always known American football was brutal but this is..." You shake your head unable to finish the sentence.

Your words make him frown.

"American football? You mean you're not from America?!"

"No, I'm from Europe. Southeastern Europe to be precise."

"Really? That's so cool.

You smile in response. He tries to push himself up in the bed and you rush to help him. You gently lift him up a bit and fix his pillows. When you begin to pull back your eyes find his and you freeze on your spot, the two of you staring at each other. His dark orbits are deep and warm and you feel like you're drowning in them. You blink shaking your head and sit back on your bed.

"Are you comfortable now?"

"Yeah, a lot more comfortable. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

You smile at him and lie down in your bed pulling the covers on you.

"Do you mind if I turn the TV on?"

"No, not at all."

You take the remote and press the 'on' button. As it turns out there's a Luis De Fines movie on and a large grin spreads across your face.

"I can't believe it, I love this guy!" You can't help but exclaim and Richard's soft chuckle reaches your ears.

"Who's he?"

You turn to look at him incredulously.

"Are you serious?! He's one of the most popular french comedians in the world, his movies are amazing!"

You quickly explain to Richard who he is and then make him watch the movie with you. It's 'La Soupe Aux Choux' and it's one of your favourites although it's one of his last movies. After it finishes you and Richard get engaged in a long conversation about movies and the European cinema in general. You quickly find out how smart and intelligent he is and it makes you attracted to him even more.

The next two days you two get to know each other really well and you bond so quickly as if you were together in the hospital for two weeks or two months even and not two days.

You get to meet Richard's family that came to visit him and immediately befriend his two sisters and the three of you quickly engage into a conversation. His little brother David on the other hand doesn't talk much but would occasionally whisper something to Richard's ear causing his big brother to blush. Their mother is a charming lady and an incredibly caring one. She fusses not only over her son but over you too, as if you were her daughter too. It turns out Richard had taken not only her beautiful looks but her warm, big heart too. His father gives the impression of a strict man but in reality he is an incredibly funny and witty guy.

Richard gets to meet your parents too when they came to visit you for the last time before the day you were about to be discharged. While your mother fusses over you, he and your dad get into a deep conversation about various topics and from what they are saying you can't help but think how similar they were in their thinking and in their personalities. Later that day you and Richard enjoy the food your mother had brought you, happy that you don't have to eat the horrible hospital food and chat happily about your families.

Finally the your last evening in the hospital comes and you're shocked to realize you don't really want to go. Walking out of the bathroom you find Richard sitting on the window frame next to the open window. His crutches are rested on the wall next to him and his plastered leg is stretched to the floor, his fine one bent so he could be half-sitting, half-leaning on the wooden frame. His head is slightly turned, his eyes drifting out somewhere and there's no mistaking the sadness radiating from him.

You walk over to him and gently put your hand on his shoulder.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

You shake your head slightly and move your hand to his cheek so you can turn his face to look at his eyes. When his cinnamon orbits lock with your green ones you drown in their depths all over again only to find out that he's bothered by the same thing that's bothering you. His freshly-shaved tan skin is soft and warm under your fingers. The intensity of his stare ignites a fire in your heart that spreads all over your body and for a moment all you want is to give in to it. But you know better than that so you just continue to stare at him, the sadness in his eyes now reflected in yours. A small tear rolls down your cheek and you lift your free hand but Richard stops you taking it in his own. He leans forward and softly presses his lips on the spot of your cheek where your tear has rolled. You catch your breath in your throat, his warm mouth on your skin sending jolts of electricity through your veins. He pulls away a bit, his eyes searching for yours. His fingers shoot up burying themselves in your hair and he gently pulls you to him, leaning his head forward. The space between your faces closes up and your lips finally connect. The kiss is soft yet filled with passion and it sets your insides on fire. Your bury your hands in his hair pulling him to yourself. One of his hands moves to grip your waist, holding you close. After awhile you eventually pull apart for air. Your foreheads are pressed together, your lips touching still. Ready.

"What was that?" You ask breathlessly.

"Attraction." He replies without hesitation."Magnetism. Fire."



At his last word your eyes snap open and you pull back a little to look at his eyes.

"L-love?" You stutter, voice shaking.

"Yes. I know we've known each other for two days but I feel like I've known you for ages." He takes your face in both his hands, his gentle touch sending butterflies to your stomach. "So yes, I'm in love with you."

Your eyes fill with years again, happy ones this time.

"I'm in love with you too."

He smiles, a smile warm and bright and beautiful, putting the sun itself to shame, before pulling you for a kiss again. Then he gently takes your hand and leaning on one of his crutches he leads you to your hospital bed. Climbing first he opens his arms and motions for you to lie down. You silently obey and he wraps his arms around you, holding you tight. You spend the night in his embrace realizing that as much as you hate hospitals this time it helped you in more ways than one.

Richard Grieco ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now