Chapter 21

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Ace gives me a ride home after we leave Little Owl. As he pulls up in front of the penthouse, I notice that the living room lights are on. I groan. “Great.”

“Want me to come in with you?” He asks quietly, eyes wandering between me and the road ahead.

I shake my head, “No, they will only get more pissed when they see you. Thanks though,” I smile at him, “And not just for this, you know, for everything.” 

 His smile is tight and when I lean in to kiss him, he doesn’t deepen it. Oh god. Here it goes. The other shoe is finally dropping and he has realized how much of a freak I really am. I mean he must have, after a story like that. Stupid, Eternity, stupid! Great, I just scared away the first guy I like in a really long time away. Did you really expect him to stay after seeing your dark past? Why would a guy like Ace Moreno want some damaged goods when he can have one of those perfect girls? Like Chloe? I start to get out of the car, but being the perceptive bastard he is, he probably saw my little panic attack in my eyes, because he pulls me back to him and gives me a kiss that should be censored, you know, the one that speaks louder than words? I wave at him as he drives away, and sigh as I prepare for a probably very unpleasant encounter. Give me the guillotine anytime now.

 “Where the hell have you been? And who is that boy who drove you?” That’s what greets me the moment I walk in the house. Hello to you too, Mother.

“I was staying at Ivy’s, and didn’t see a point in checking in before I went to school.” I shrug and her frown deepens.

“Eternity, I have been calling and texting, but you have been gone all day, and a few days ago you ended up in the hospital; sweetheart, is everything okay with you?”

 I narrow my eyes, “I’m fine,” I say quietly before my eyes widen at the hidden meaning between the lines, “Oh my god,” I say, “You actually think I tried to hurt myself?”

She holds a hand up, “I just want to tell you that I know that losing Alex was hard on you, and I know you think I don’t notice those things, Eternity, but you’ve been different lately, distant, and now you’re back with some boy—“

 “He’s not ‘some boy’, okay? His name is Ace. And weren’t you the one who wanted me to go out more?” I snap at her.

 “Because I was worried about you after everything that happened—“ She starts to say and I cut her off, “You were worried? Are you kidding me? You two are gone most of the time, even when I need you most. I have been taking care of myself since I was ten! You can’t just disappear from my life and then show up and try to be a mother. And ‘that boy’ has been a hell lot more helpful than you’ve been, Mom! At least he doesn’t think I tried to kill myself!” I take a deep breath, “Good day, Mom.” I stomp upstairs to my room, and sit on my bed, arms crossed over my chest as I shoot daggers at every little thing. After realizing the stuffed bears haven’t done anything to warrant being incinerated by an angry Hayes, I huff and pull out my phone. I text Ace to thank him for everything he has done today before I reply to Ivy who asks if I got home okay. I haven’t told her about the fire, and I don’t know how I will. Cause just how do you tell your best friend that you failed to save someone whose life counted on you? Again? Sighing, I start to dial Angel’s number.


Fifteen miutes after I dialed Angel’s number, the doorbell rings. I run out of my room and downstairs to find my mom heading towards the door.

 “I’ll get it; it’s for me.” I mutter quickly.

She stands frozen in her place, probably musing at how energetic I am today (a scene she hasn’t seen since the fire.)

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