Chapter 10

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Hey guys! Sorry this took a bit long! But trust us, the wait is worth it ;) Check out the posters we made up there! Also, BIG THANKS TO SAMLOVESONED FOR THAT SHOUT OUT!! YOU SERIOUSLY MADE OUR DAY!! The feels you gave us :') It makes us soo happy that people out there are getting into our story like that. She has also taken to calling Ace and Eternity 'Acernity', which we think is pretty damn awesome xD Our ship is sailing and has a name! What other ship names do you guys have in mind? xD

Hope you guys enjoy, and don't forget to vote, comment, fangirl, we LOVE hearing from you! *.* -M&N

Ps. You guys might need to keep a tissue box close while reading this chapter...


"I can't believe you didn't tell me you and Ace Moreno were friends!"

"What are you talking about?" She shoots me a look. "No, no, no. Ace and I are not friends, okay? God, no! The guy is insufferable!"

"That sounds like the beginning of a love story not the end of one." Ivy smirks at me, and I glare at her. She is quoting Katherine Pierce now? "When did you even meet him?"

I sigh flopping down on the couch. "It is a long story." I mumble. "And I would rather not talk about it. Right now I just want to eat." I say before taking a handful of chips and shoving them in my mouth.

Ivy frowns. "You don't tell me anything anymore!"

"That is not true. I tell you things!" I say, but deep down I know it's not true.

"No, you don't. Whenever I ask about Alex or last year you just…You shut me out!" she says, frustrated, "And I'm sick of it, Eternity. I'm your friend and I care about you. Why can't you just see that? I mean, it hasbeen an entire year! And I keep thinking that, you know what? Maybe she will come to her senses eventually realize what a crappy friend she has been!"

Her words hit me like a tidal wave, and my eyes sting with unshed tears. Ivy moves in close and hugs me. "I know you've been through a rough time, Eternity, but I'm here for you and I don't believe a word of what that bitch Chloe says. I chose you. Maybe it's about time you choose me too."

It is all too much and I break down. The nausea comes over me, but I'm not prepared. It is too late to accept it, and before I go under, I realize my being upset is what makes it worse.

Then I black out.

A girl is standing in front of a train track, eyes bloodshot, tears running down her face. She takes a deep breath and a look of solemn acceptance dawns on her face.

Please don't let this be what I think it is!

She steps on the train tracks, and the chop chopping of a train starts sounding nearby.

She closes her eyes and turns away.


The train is so close!


It crashes.

There is a painful sting in my side, a wetness seeping through my clothes…

"Oh my god! Eternity! Oh my god, what happened!"

Ivy's screams are the last thing I hear before I lose consciousness.


Where am I? The last thing I remember is pain. Intense, unrelenting pain. I look down at myself and see that I’m wearing a white summer dress, carrying no trace of all that blood.

Till Death Unites UsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz