Chapter 13

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I feel the nausea creeping through my body as my vision swirls, and pain erupts through my body. Ace holds my hands instantly and whispers, "It's okay; I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere; just relax." He coos in my ear as I drift to another world.

It's sunny, and everybody is laughing. Oh God, why does death have to loom in happy places! I know that beach... That's Rockway Beach. Man! I'm not feeling up to having a trip to Queens! People are surfing, swimming, lying on mats on the shore, children are playing in the sand and building castles, teenagers are flirting and making out. I don't see anything out of the ordinary.

Then, my vision zooms in to a specific couple in a shack. A girl in a bikini and a lifeguard. Shit! THE LIFEGUARD! I know what's gonna happen already. Ughh! Men! The lifeguard leads her from the crowd till I can't see them anymore.

"Help! Help!" I see a boy in the very far distance. Actually I only see his hands. "Please help him! He's my boy!" The lady continues screaming as everybody starts running towards her, yet no one jumps in. They have every right to. The boy is just so far, and even if anyone tried to help, he'd be long gone by the time anyone reaches him.

One.. two.. three cries of help and the silence dawns over the beach. An eerie silence takes over as everyone looks at the boy's direction only to find nothing.

He drowns.

I gulp and jump away from Ace in the process. Expecting to find bleeding, I examine my body. "There's nothing! Oh my god, Ace..."

His eyes are closed. He gulps and opens his eyes, "Asshole." He curses under his breath. "You don't leave people to die just so you could go do it with a hot chick!"

"You saw that too?"


I nod.

"Are you bleeding? Let me see." He says, concerned.

"No, I'm not. I checked," I say, grinning from ear to ear.

"Good." He smiles. "Cause I wouldn't want my date to bleed before I take her out to celebrate." He brushes back my bangs.

"Date?" I cock an eyebrow. "Who said anything about a date?"

"I did. And in my head, you say yes and jump up and down too." He smiles that stupid smile of his.

"Well, that's in your head. I'm an independent woman and I refuse to go out on a date with you, Ace Moreno." I say, holding my ground. Well, I think I am.

"Don't say I didn't warn you then." He jumps from the bed and catches me off guard. He carries me off the floor. Bride style. Oh my god, I'm gonna faint.

"Aaah! Ace! Ace! That's not cool!" I say as he makes his way out of my room and towards the staircase.

He freezes and looks at me, his blue eyes searching my brown ones. He brings his face closer to mine and says, "Not gonna happen, sweetheart."

I snap out of my haze. Stupid Ace with his extremely pleasant proximity.

"Ace! No!"

"I don't take no for an answer, Infinity."

Ughh! "At least tell me where we're going!"

"That's none of your business." He chuckles.

"We're on a date! I should know!" I yell.

"So, you admit we're on a date." He laughs as he approaches the door and opens it.

Cold air slaps me and I cuddle into him.

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