Chapter 14

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Hey guys! sorry for the long wait, so we will make it up to you with this feels-filled chapter xD Enjoy Acernity cuteness and don't forget to vote and comment! :D We are sooo close to hitting 100 votes!!  Can you believe it?! (Come on, just five more, for Ace? *pouts*) Thank you guys sooo much for your support :') -M&N


Ace has been keeping me at arm’s length since I arrived.

Yeah, he literally keeps putting an arm’s length distance between us.

I try to make conversation, but all I get is either murmured one-word responses or—wait till you hear this one—sign language responses. He doesn’t make jokes, doesn’t smirk at me, doesn’t even make any inappropriate remarks about my bikini, just…silence. And I really miss that Ace.

I guess I deserve it. After all, I’ve been all but shutting him out whenever he tries to get close, it is about time he got pissed at me.

I know what he wants to hear from me; thing is: I’m not ready to give that to him yet, and I don’t know when I’ll be, and I don’t want to give him any false hope and lead him on, because, for all I know, I am damaged goods and broken for life.

 God, this is confusing.

Not for the first time, my eyes wander to him, standing there in all his shirtless glory, and my insides reduce to goo. Not too bulky, but just lean and defined enough to make you want to run your hands all over him. The abs on that guy, oh god. And don’t even get me started on the shoulders…

 “This is him.” Ace says quietly, snapping me out of my shameless ogling, and I turn to look in the direction he points toward. You can check him out later, Eternity. Now is the time to snap into mission-impossible mode.

We are like the Black widow and Hawkeye.

I find the life guard, the same one from our vision, talking to a blonde girl who is wearing quite probably the smallest bikini I have ever seen. He starts leading her away.

“Okay, you stay here—“

“Oh no.” I cut him off, and he turns to me. “You’re not leaving me behind. I’m a part of this too.”

“Would you rather drown?” He says dryly, and his voice is like a slap to my face. He hasn’t talked to me like that since that time when we first met, and it hurts more than I thought it would.

I don’t let it show, and shrug off his remark. “Ace, you can’t go into those waters. We should just talk to the guard and make sure he stays on look out.”

“Please! Have you seen the guy? He is a total dick.”

“Oh you’re such a joyride right now!” I snap at him and he glares at me, before shaking his head and starting to walk away. “Where the hell are you going now?”

“I need you to make sure the guard doesn’t come back and see me.” He says before taking off.  I start to follow him and freeze when my eyes fall on the sight in front of me.

The boy from my vision!

The boy seems to have lost some toy he was playing with in the water, and he goes in after it, oblivious to the water rising around him. Until it reaches his neck and he starts screaming.

“Help! Help!”

And as if on cue, the lady starts screaming. “Please help him! He’s my boy!!”

“Oh my god! Ace!” Stupid! I let myself get distracted by our fight and now we might be too late.

People start crowding around the scene, yet, just as it was in my vision, no one dares to step in those waters.

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