Chapter 11

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Hey guys! Here is a fluffy chapter for you after that last sad one :D Yes, our muse is evil; we very much know that xD Beware for Ace/Eternity hotness ;) And don't forget to vote and comment! 

Love you all! <3 Enjoy!


Ivy’s eyebrows are practically touching her forehead when she comes in my room after Ace leaves, but obviously any curiosity she might have had about Ace Moreno being in my room is put aside when she sees me.

“Oh my god, Eternity! I was so worried!” She runs to me and puts her arms around me.

“Please, no squeezing. I’m still sore.” I choke out, and she pulls back and gives me a sheepish smile. And I know our earlier fight has diffused. I smile reassuringly at her as she settles herself next to me on the hospital bed.

“You gave me a scare there, Eternity.” She shakes her head. “And there was no one for me to call, so I had to call Ace. He carried you to the hospital, you know? It was actually kinda hot, he’s like spider man, but that doesn’t matter. The doctors said you had gone into a coma, how did that feel?” Ivy was rambling again, something she always did when she was really worried…or really angry.

“Numb.” I lie, not wanting to delve into the details of my dream.

Ivy bites her bottom lip, and I feel an inner turmoil brewing inside her. “What the hell happened, Eternity?” She asks the question I’m dreading. “Look, please, don’t lie to me. One minute we were talking, and the next you’re bleeding all over the sheets!”

 “I don’t know.” I say meekly, and know it is pathetic.

“Is this about the accident?”

“Ivy, it’s hard to explain—“ I start, “I am not even sure I understand it.”

“Oh but you can tell Ace Moreno? I’m your best friend, Eternity. I tell you everything, and you can’t even tell me about how you got hurt! For god’s sake, you’re too damn busy protecting yourself from getting hurt to care about how much you’re hurting everybody else! Can’t you see that I’m trying to help here? It has been an entire year of me trying to get you to move on and try to make peace with the fact—“

 “Make peace with it?” I snap, pain in my side long forgotten. “Is there supposed to be a specific period of time for me to make peace with it? Cause I haven’t, Ivory! And I don’t want to!”

“I highly doubt wasting your life wallowing in grief is what Alex would’ve wanted either.” My eyes widen, and I can see she immediately regrets her words, although her anger doesn’t subside a little bit. “I’m done standing by and pretending to believe you as you lie through your teeth, Eternity. Why don’t you find me when you decide to tell the truth?”


“Hey, honey, ready to get out of this damned ward?” Ace says as he opens the curtains.

“Ugh! Go away; I wanna sleep.” I say rolling over away from the light that, thanks to Ace, is now spreading across my room.

“Aww, aren’t you adorable when you’re crouching in your bed with your little muffled voice.”

That sends me up in a second. “Pervert.” I mutter as I make my way through the bathroom, not even bothering to glance at him.

I shut the door beside me and look at my face in the mirror. Hmmm…I really am looking radiant these days. I haven’t looked that way since Alex passed away. Could Ace have that effect on me? Yes, he can. Should I allow him to?

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