Chapter 15

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Hey guys! Chapter 15 is here, and what a feels roller coaster it shall be! xD So prepare for MAJOR Ace feels! Hope you guys enjoy ;) and vote and comment! We wanna hear how you're all doing! We wanna get to know you guys! 

And you guys need to check out this story; it is called 'Waves Crash Birds Fly' and it is by Sasa99. It is about a summer love but the difference is it discusses what happens after summer is over and how this girl struggles to get back to her old life and deals with the heart break and all. It is seriously soo good!

Love you all! :* -M&N


I’m staring silently out the window in Ace’s car as he drives us to the hospital, drumming my hand on my legs nervously.

“Why did you follow me?” I ask.

Ace hesitates before answering, “I thought you were going to see someone.” He eventually mutters.

My lips tug upwards in an almost smile, but I quickly hide it, reminding myself that I am supposed to be mad at him. “Well, were you right?” 

He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “No, I guess you weren’t.” he replies sheepishly.

My eyebrows shot up smugly. “Wow. Thanks for telling me that, because I had absolutely no idea.” I retort sarcastically.

“Don’t sass me.”

“Stop being a moron and I won’t.” I  reply.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Do you have to?”


“This isn’t Twenty Questions. You’re the one who followed me. You have no right to ask questions.”

He gives me an incredulous look before throwing his arms up in the air. “You can’t just drop a bomb the size of The Enterprise like that and expect me to be quiet about it!” Did her seriously just make a Star Trek reference? Seriously?

“Well if you’d have listened when I told you not to push it none of this would have happened!” I snap at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Yeah? Well maybe if you stopped acting so vague all the time people might actually listen to you!”

“Why do you care so much?!”

“Why wouldn’t I?!”

I huff and glare at him. “God you’re so annoying.”

He actually smirks. “Well, thanks for the news flash, little Miss Sunshine.” He clears his throat. “So…”

“Who says ‘news flash’ anymore?” I grumble, interrupting him before he could launch into that subject again. This isn’t right. He knows too much about me already, and now he sees  this?

“Why do you always dodge me whenever I try to have a serious conversation with you?” Ace says, frustrated. “Damn it, just let me finish one freakin’ sentence for once!”

“Why do all your sentences have to be about me?!”

“Perhaps it’s due to the fact that you just revealed a secret the size of Texas.” He points out.

“Three minutes ago it was the size of The Enterprise.” I mumble. “You know what? Maybe you should drive me home.” I say, turning away from him. He grips my wrist, turning me to face him. “Let me go!”

“You can’t be alone after this.” my entire body shivers at the sincerity of his tone.

No. Alone is what I need to be right now. Because the only person I can count on is ME.

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