Chapter 6

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Hey everyone! Chapter 6 is here! Hope you like it! We're waiting for your votes and comments! XD



It is 4:40 when I arrive at Starbucks. I actually had to use a map to pinpoint the exact Starbucks from my dream. Who knew there were so many in Manhattan?! Okay, I did know, but it was still pretty overwhelming.

I sip the coffee I had bought, trying to avoid the fact that the man who is about to die was drinking that same coffee.

No, he is not going to die. I did this, and I'm going to stop it.

I shuffle my feet around restlessly as I wait for him to show up. He finally does; Mr. Honeycutt comes around the corner and I recognize him from his long coat. I'm about to walk up to him and talk when someone grabs my arm and pulls me back just at the same time that the scent of leather and mint that I have come to associate with Ace overwhelms my senses.

Are you kidding me?

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Let go of my arm, stalker!" His eyes, which at first were amused, are now incredulous.

"I'm the stalker? Are you serious? You're the one who keeps showing up wherever I go!" He says, throwing his arms up.

"It is a free country, idiot!" I say, glaring at him. I try to pull my arm out of his grasp, but he holds on as he leads me away from Mr. Honeycutt.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Making sure you don't kill yourself." He replies, smirking, mostly to himself.

I glance at the clock: 4:50. He deposits me at the entrance to Starbucks.

"Now," He is still smirking, obviously enjoying himself. That makes one of us!

"Infinity, why don't you go in and have a hot cocoa or something while I get back?"


"Is there even a difference?" I glare at him unwaveringly until he sighs. "Fine, you can come, but don't touch anything."


What the hell am I doing?! This is not you, Eternity! You need to focus! He's hot though. What! No! He's a jerk! Why on earth didn't I stand up to him? I told you, he's hot. Eternity Hayes, get this thought of your head! He just called you "Infinity" and you didn't even fight back. I did! Did not! Did to! Did not! But I have to admit we look cute walking beside each other; we look like the Avengers.

"What the hell am I thinking?" Oops, that came out loud.

"Right, so you're not weird enough; you just had to talk to yourself too," Ace smirks.

"You don't know what's going on in there, jerk!" I shout, my voice coming a little louder than I intended to.

Before he could react, Mr. Honeycutt walks out of starbucks. I check my phone quickly: 4:55.

It's happening.

"Eternity, you need to step back," Ace whispers to me.

"What? No? I really don't have time to argue with you, Ace," I sober up.

"Just listen..."

I start heading towards Mr. Honeycutt's direction, seeing that the SUV is getting closer. I may end up killing myself in the process. Better me than him. He holds his foam cup and sips his coffee. Just like in the vision. But I swear the outcome would be different.

I run to him and push. I push with all the power I have in me. Dammit! This man is so heavy. Alright, he's safe now; I'm the one standing 3 inches away from the car, from my doom. Mr. Honeycutt's eyes grow wide; he is too startled to pull me away. He just stands there...frozen. I have found my inner peace. Just as I am about to close my eyes, I feel a hard push then a heavy weight crushing me.

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