Such a Softer Sin Chapter 29

Start from the beginning

As they made their way in, Lila grinned, looking around and feeling like home. The atmosphere was worlds apart from McGinty's. The light was low, the occasional strobe going off, a sea of bodies on the dancefloor gyrating against each other to the slow beat of the music, giving the song a sexy feel to it. Lila gripped Emily's hand so she didn't lose the girl as she made her way to the bar. She knew she only had about an hour with the girl before the boys showed up and she knew without a doubt they would get ready as soon as possible to get to her, wanting to know she was okay and made it here safely. Half an hour in and the girls weren't drunk but they were tipsy, they were sat in some chairs in a corner where Lila was telling her new friend about her horrible first time, losing her virginity at 16 years old to a guy in her class.

"I wasn't the prettiest in school you know? I wasn't popular or anything like that. I didn't really get on with people that well, I was still dealing with losing my da, and I was a pretty angsty teen. I was a loner, people just kinda avoided me. So when he started showing me all this attention, I guess I felt special. Like the cool kid noticed I existed." She sighed. Emily nodded intently, she was engrossed in the story, enjoying having a friend. Lila was grateful for the girl. As much as she loved her boys and Rocco, she seemed to be always surrounded by men, even at work. She was glad to have some good old girl talk.

"He would shower me with gifts, be all cute and leave sweet notes in my locker. At one point he even told me he loved me." She scoffed bitterly and shook her head. Emily frowned and reached out, squeezing her hand. If she was honest the story felt so similar to her own already and she related to it.

"I was nervous, obviously, I hadn't ever done it before and I told him that. He told me he'd be gentle, told me I was it for him. I believed him like a fucking idiot. So I gave him what he wanted, and then right after, not even five minutes, he tells me to leave...I was so shocked, I was hurt. He was suddenly cold. He laughed at me when I cried and told me I meant nothing, I was just a conquest he could brag about, so I left feeling humiliated and heartbroken. Sure enough, when I get to school the next day, everyone's whispering about me, he'd told everyone and there were rumours flying around about how much of a slut I was, some even that I'd fucked the whole football team." She huffed, taking a long pull from her beer. Emily scowled, sipping her own beer.

"He's an asshole." She frowned, making Lila snort a laugh at her, she liked Emily a lot. The girl had already warmed up to her pretty well and she was a different person to the meek girl she met the day before. Lila was happy she was opening up to her.

"Yeah, he is. But it doesn't matter, I made my peace with it and I'm still alive, shit just happens you know?" She shrugged, and of course, Emily knew, Lilas own boyfriends had done it to her. The whole thing was strange, to be friends with the girlfriend of the very boys who had hurt her, but it wasn't awkward like it should have been, she genuinely liked Lila and she liked how even though she loved the boys, she had stuck up for her and made them say sorry to her.

They had a few more drinks, still not drunk but well on their way, and that's when the twins and Rocco showed up. They pushed their way through the sea of bodies, scanning the crowd for their girl. They had been to clubs a few times, they liked the energy here sometimes but they much preferred the relaxed atmosphere of the bar. Rocco was the first to spot her with Emily, pointing her out to the boys as he shouted something they couldn't hear over the loud music. Their eyes went to where he was pointing and they almost stopped dead in their tracks. She was wearing such a tiny fucking skirt and they didn't fail to notice all the eyes on her. They felt mixed emotions. First of all, they wanted to remove all the leering eyes from the skulls that dared look at their girl. But at the same time, they felt that swell of pride that she belonged to them. She was breathtaking, and as she turned and saw them, a beautiful bright smile gracing her pouty dark red lips, their breath caught in their throat. She was a vision, like a dark angel calling them home. It made their hormones go fucking nuts but it also caused a swirl of emotions in both brothers. And Murphy being Murphy, couldn't hold back.

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