chapter 23

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Afnan's pov

It's been a week since that incident, and Abba has managed to get the number blocked, although I know he will try another way, but let's just hope I will be alive on Yaya Abeedah's wedding which is in two days.

"Hey" haseenah nudged me "you ok?" She asked worriedly.

"Am fine" I replied giving her a reassuring smile.

She still doesn't look convinced.

"Or it's the b*tch still giving you a hard time?". She asked her voice threatening.

"Haseenah!!" I gasped "don't call her that, she's still my cousin you know"

"Yeah right" she scoffed "so much for a cousin" came her sarcastic reply.

I shake my head at her knowing that no matter what i say Nabeelah will never be in her good books, she just hate the girl way too much than I do.

"Anyway, kin karbo dinkin ki?" I asked changing the subject.

"Off course, how can I not, tun a yi bikin Yaya guda" she replied wriggling her eyebrows.

I shake my head with a smile....this girl...what will I do without her.

And within minutes lunch time was over, and we headed back to face another two hours of pure boredom.


"Nooooo am not gonna wear that..... they're too baggy" Aneesa whined with a scowl on her face.

"Aneesa! for the last time you're not reducing those clothes....haka bai Fi ba, amma Ku kin fiso kaya su matse Ku kuna tafiya da nishi da kyar ko?" Mama scolded.

"Toh ni mama ni gaskiya...." She huffed and fold her arms "am not Afnan who look like a sack of potato, this is jus......

"Aneesa!!!" Mama shouted "leave this place...bace min da gani...NOW!!!".

She rolled her eyes and stomped off.

Ya Allah...what has this girl become?

Mama let out a deep sigh, proceeding to sit down, she massaged the side of her head tiredly.

She's been stressed lately with all the Yaya Abeedah's wedding and stuff.

"Thank you" she whispered after I gave her the glass of water.

The thing was that, our clothes for the Kamu were just collected from the tailor and Aneesa wasn't satisfied with hers, she said it's too baggy and Mama denied her wish.

I sat down for sometime before I decided to leave her for a while and head to my room.

I sat down and pick up my phone to check some messages on WhatsApp.... although there won't be any.

Suddenly my door was banged open startling me, I turn around and come face to face with Aneesa.

As usual....she was scowling, I sigh inwardly.

"What" I asked already fed up with her presence.

"Did he call again?" she asked leaning casually on the door.

"I told you no... you've been asking for the past three days and it's still a no" I replied sounding annoyed.

Here am scared to death about him and she wants him to even call me.

"Look here idiot you don't talk to me like that...ok"

I nodded.

"Words you dumbass" she snarled.

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