chapter 16

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Afnan's pov

Today was really cloudy and from the looks of it maybe there will be rain.

After our hide and seek with Yaya Abeedah I decided to just let it go, even the almighty Allah is Gafurur raheem , then who am I to hold a grudge against her.

And she is my sister, nobody is above mistake,she had apologize and that's very nice of her.

After taking a shower I throw a purple ankara gown, a little Kohl and a lip stick, I tie my head tie and sat on the bed waiting for fadila.

She told me to wait for her, and currently she's taking a shower.

I took my phone to play a little game before she's out.

Suddenly my phone went off checking the caller ID I saw that it's Mama.

I smile to myself.

"Assalamu'alaikum, hello Mama, Ina kwana".

I answered the call.

"Wa'alikum Assalamu, Afnan, lafiya kalau, how are you"she answered with equal happiness as me.

"Am doing fine, ya zaman gida"I asked giggling.

"Uhm ba kun tafi kun Barbi ba, ai shi ke nan".

"Awnnnn Mama it's not like that, we will be back soon and you also said Laila is coming remember?".

"Oh yeah, yeah she's already here, anyways I have to go we are getting ready to go to Nabeelah's house.. you know she's going back today".

"I totally forgot, but my regards to all of them".

"Ok, bye afifi, eat well , sleep well ok, don't stay up all night, read your du'a when sleeping ok and...

"Mama" I cut her mid way "am not a child anymore" I whined.

"Silly girl" she laughed a little "to me you will always be my baby, even when you become an old ratty woman".

"Mama"I whined again "an old ratty woman! seriously".

She laughed and replied.

"Off course....ok I have to go now".

"Yeah you said it but you're still here" I replied smiling.

"You know I missed you guys, the house is so silent i don't like it at all".she replied sadly.

"Yeah and you should get use to it because when we all become Ratty Old men and women we won't be staying in that house, we will all be in our houses".

"Oh yes inshallah" she laughed "a mother wants nothing more than to see her kids all grown up and married....I just feel lonely..."

"Mama it's not like we are gone forever".

"Yes you're right....ok I should probably go now...for real".

"Yes this is the third time it better be for real".

"I can see you're eager for me to go huh"she said playfully.

"Mamaaaaa it's not like that....

" going now...bye"

"Bye Mama".

I replied putting the phone down while I still smile...I really love this woman, she just made my day.

I Heard a throat clearing making me to raise my head, only to see Fadila standing there.

"Oh Fadila har kin fito".

Story Of My Life:A Hausa Love storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt