chapter 18

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Maleek's pov

I try to breathe in and out to calm my beating heart.

Because right now it feels as if to burst through my rib cage.

Today was the D day, the day to make a choice that can change my life, or if I want I can quickly decline the offer of this marriage but many sad eyes were what I didn't want to see at all.

They are already here, I haven't even see the girl.

After greeting her parents Dada send me here to wait for the her.

Maybe if I can't stop the marriage then she can right,even if she liked me I will make sure she hates me the moment she's out of here and if she don't, that's the most easiest way.....we could plan something and get rid of this marriage..... because for sure am not ready to take the responsibility of another human other than myself.

Yep! That's what am gonna do.

I made up my mind to this new plan of mine.

Twisting of the door knob brought back my attention.

A lady wearing an expensive looking lace entered.

"Assalamu'alaikum"she said

"Wa'alikum Assalamu" I answered.

She took the sit opposite to me leaving the door ajar, because that's how it's suppose to be, no people of opposite gender Should be left alone because the third person is the shaitan.

She's sensible, I will give her that.

Both of us were quite for a good five minutes, neither was ready to talk.

Tired of the grieving silence i decided to break it.

"Uhm hi, how are you"

"Fine" she answered in a small voice.

She still had her head down, not ready to look at me, she's a shy type.

"Soooo, what's your name".

She raised her bead, and that's when I came in contact with the most beautiful eyes....but not as Afnan's.

Shit! Where did that come from.

I mentally smacked my head.

Lately she has invaded my thoughts and ya Allah! I don't like it.

"you don't even know my just wow..... husband to be doesn't even know my name.

So she can talk... hhmm and with a little bit of attitude, I like feisty.

I take that back, when I said she was shy.

I smirked and look at her.

"Is that a crime because i forgot your name.... we're not even married yet".

"That's not an excuse Mr Maleek" she narrowed her eyes accusingly.

"Ah..I really must be upset because you knew my name but I don't know yours apologies".I replied with a mocking treat.

She huffed in annoyance and turn her head to the other side.

It took us a good two minutes keeping quite.

"Ok I will go straight to the point....are you Into this marriage as a contract or....

She cut me off mid way.

"Off course....what do except.. that I love you... unbelievable, just because you're handsome doesn't mean everyone's gonna love you" she rolled her eyes.

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