Chapter 3

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Afnan's pov

The week days passed in a jiffy before you know it , it's already the end of the week .

Today is Saturday , a day to sleep and relax but we're doing the opposite because today my sister's fiancé ,  Harris is going to get married to my sister very soon .

And today being the stressful day Harris's family are bringing my sister's lefe , and we are all busy everyone doing various chores .

There's going to be alot of food and drinks and also some of our close relatives are going to be present.

while Aneesa and Nabeelah are making the drinks me and my mom are making the food while yaya Asif is send to an errand .

You will be wondering what about yaya Abeedah , well as she quotes 'am the bride here am not suppose to do anything'. Although it's also a tradition when the groom's family come to bring the lefe they are not suppose to see the bride to be and vice versa , so usually she's send to a relative house or somewhere else .

But still she can help before they come , but being the lazy sis she is , she denied.

"Mom , what are you so happy about" I asked after noticing her smiling for quite sometime.

"Afnan , your Dad is also coming back today "she replied while slicing some vegetables.

"Is it the only reason"?I asked again.

"No and also your sister is getting married soon , but about this one let's say am happy and sad at the same time . Am happy she's getting married and also sad that she's leaving us "she said the last part with a sad smile.

"Mama it's ok , she's not going forever , she will be coming for visits " I replied while smiling at her .

"Yes you're right but I can't get rid of the feeling , you will know this when you will also get your daughter married"

The last statement make me go red .

"Awwwn , are you shy "she asked while pinching my cheeks  .

"Mamaaa "I whined while trying to get her hands off my cheek .

"Or , is there someone you're not telling me about"she asked while smirking.

"Oh God, mama no there's no one "I replied blushing hard.

"Oh c'mon you know you can tell me besides who would you tell if not your mamah "she asked again while stirring the soup.

I almost cut my hand while cutting the cabbage when she asked that question.

"Mama I mean it , there is no one trust me , by the way who will like a fat girl "I asked my mood changing by the last statement , the truth sucks right , but you just have to deal with it.

"Oh no dear who told you that" mom asked , masking a horrified reaction "honey love is not determine by what you look like or how much you weigh , but the fast beating of  one's heart with love over that person , and you're not fat you're just a little chubby I have a feeling that someone very special is coming for you "Mama finished with a smile while patting my shoulder.

"Thanks mama , I love you so much"my eyes a little glossy from the encouragement speech she gave me earlier .

"Oh honey I love you too so much , come give mama a hug "she said stretching her hands towards me .

I met her Midway and she engulf me in a warm motherly hug , and I immediately hug her back.

That's why I love this woman so much when the whole world weigh you down she will always be there to lift you up .

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