Chapter 4 Day Dreaming

Start from the beginning

Different colours filled my sight. Light blues, deep reds and oranges. All different sizes and shapes too, I was about to pick one up a flower. It's petal's were black, it seemed to consume the light but their were stars in there. Little sparkles of stars coming through. I pricked my hand in one of it's thorns when I heard Wais screaming.

I took one big breath looked back, towards Wais who was trying to catch up now. Her voice filled my ears, she was yelling, calling me unfair. I smiled at her stuck out my tongue. Wais became enraged and sprinted towards me fists ready to throw a punch. I felt alive at that moment more than I have, now that my mothers training filling my schedule. 

Even Wais seemed more alive too, her cheeks puffed with colour. Eyes smiling brightly towards me, arms up into a fist.

Wais jumped on me punching my chest. "Cheater, cheater!" I busted into a laugh when pain shoot to me. I yelled, Wais backed off, already touching me, asking if I was okay. I pulled my shirt just enough to see my belly. I squirmed to what I saw, I was covered in bruises and wounds. My body trembled and everything seemed to stop. It felt like Wais stopped breathing, her skin deadly pale. Eyes no longer bright, body limp.

She was scared, I was scared. I didn't know what was happening but I wanted it to go away. I wanted to see Wais and her wide smile, her green eyes that resembled emerald jewels. I didn't want to see that face of nothing, I was more scared of that then what was happening to me. My vision became black and white, no colour what so ever. Except for that flower with petals so black it was darker than black in my vision.

The wind stopped making a sound, their was no longer one. My eyes shut, I was frightened so much I could have peed my pants. I didn't know what to do so I rocked my body and willed myself to think- know everything will be back to normal. Sound returned and the wind moved again. A warm presence comforted my arm. "Leyah?" My eyes opened and stared at Wais.

"What's wrong?" My mouth would not speak instead my eyes panicked looking at Wais. Seeing if she was okay because I had brui- I looked on my stomach. Nothing was their, nothing but smooth pale skin. I shook my head not believing myself, I could have continued but Wais looked at me like I was crazy.

"Nothing." The words rushed out of my mouth, I didn't want her to think I was weird like the other kids. We were similar to each other trained to do the same thing, I couldn't afford losing her. Wais' face filled with relaxation, a sigh leaving her mouth. The paleness of her skin no longer visible.

"I was scared for a second you know. Your mother would have killed me if something were to happen to you." Wais pulled me up my feet, they felt heavy. I swore I saw bruises and saw Wais face shocked like mine. I couldn't have possibly imagined that but I didn't feel anymore discomforts, so maybe I did imagine that.

Ya, I did because if I did Wais wouldn't act like everything was back to normal. "Girls come on inside, you'll start to get a tan. Not great for hiding." Mother's voice filled the backyard. Wais and I already running towards her. Tan skin didn't help with concealing who we were, so we were pale children and times when we would go out and feel the sun is when we were the happiest.

"I'll be training with Wais first." Mother hadn't as much as glance at me, her hand already placed at Wais' back. Her posture straightened under the touch. I gave Wais an encouraging smile, my hands making a thumbs up. Wais returned the smile as mom and her turned the corner.

After they left, Lilac and her friends showed up. Their faces caked with cosmetics and their puffy princess dresses that took up half the hall. Their eyes lingered and sneered at me. I sneered back even though she would tell mom about it. Lilac's blood rose as she stomped away,her friends following along with her. Already comforting her like I had hit her.

My body already started walking towards my room when I saw the princes walking. Everything seemed to stop working, freezing my limbs. I stood on the side acting like I was invisible, like the soldiers standing outside the mansion. Straight backed weapons in hand. My lids shut tightly against my eyes. I must have looked weird when laughter erupted from beside me.

The older prince eyes laid upon me, his mouth wide open. The younger prince didn't seem to care his stare was intimidating even though he was a few years older than me. Embarrassment laid on my face, coating it with a thick layer. I would have cried if the younger prince didn't stop staring at me and the older prince didn't stop laughing.

The younger prince rolled his eyes at his brother and continued walking. The older prince finally stopped laughing. "Sorry about that." He winked at me leaving my ears red. "Your just to cute. Anyways my brother is going to leave me if I don't start walking now. See you soon." The end of my feet curled at the embarrassment and his comment.

Was I really cute, I rushed towards my room. He must have looked back and saw me because I heard him laugh again. A loud thud echoed through the wall as I closed the door. I ran face front on my bed, stuffing my head on my pillow. My heart was beating so fast I thought it could leave my body.

The crowned prince said I was cute. My body trashed on the bed for a while until I was too tried to. I acted like how Lilac would and somehow I didn't mind it.

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