"I reckon this be the perfect time to explain some basic house rules and expectations. I want you settled, educated, and respectful," The woman states firm. All of the easiness from her voice has hardened, and the tone leaves little to no room for any arguments. "First most and most important. We as a whole, hold important images. We do not dabble in scandals, we do not entertain in toxicity, and we absolutely do not partake in intimate relationships outside of these doors. I'm sure Noma brushed up against the topic of being a global partaker, yes?"

"Yes." She claps her hands once.

"Good, my end goal is to have you amongst your new brothers and sisters on that list. Now listen when I say this because I will only be saying it once. Under no circumstance will you ever be allowed to publicly display your claims on subs or switches. No collars. And concerning the playgroup, no marks. People don't like to share, and things tend to go off the rocks when claims start getting thrown in the mix. S rankers especially." Mistress Buchanan's hips sway as she glides her way across the wooden gloss of the flooring. She tilts her head and then flicks her platinum hair away from the sharp cut of her jaw. I watch the movement memorized and stupefied.

"Secondly, since you will be now associating yourself with me and the playgroup, you will be required to attend business meetings, balls, charities, and galas. On weekends including Monday, you will be required to travel to club Chasity and partake in the bonding session of the VIP lounge individuals. Tuesday and Wednesdays are family bonding nights were the playgroup gathers to interact. I do not attend these events. You may have Thursdays for private matters, but whatever you do, do not bring your little friends back to my house. Breaking rules will earn you a punishment."

She leads me into a room, painted white and coated in the warmth of the sun. She sits me on a sofa and stalks over to a large black closet. Reaching into her pocket she removes a small silver key and gently pushes the key into the keyhole, twisting until a loud click echoes throughout the room.

"Curfew is at eleven P.M., breakfast is at eight A.M., if you wish to eat together you'll find it in yourself to wake up on time, otherwise you'll be eating Christians god awful cereal. Stubborn boy he is." The closet doors swing open revealing hooked whips, thick gags, hanging ropes, and restraining straps. I'm off the couch quick walking towards the closet with a skip in my step, curious eyes and tingling fingers.

"Here's what you'll be using during scenes and practice. Anything a noob Dom could dream of. The big space is for, as you can see bulker items. The drawers at the bottom are smaller toys and devices such as vibrators, dildos, "rings", lube, clamps, etcetera." I pull a random drawer open and the contents within clatter with the force. Clamps. Chains and metal organized and tangled free. I stick my hand in and brush against the cool metal feeling a shiver in the deepness of my bones.

"You're letting me borrow your set?" I ask in awe. My hands caress the wood of the closet as if it's the most precious thing I've ever seen in my life. A gift from the gods above.

Building a dungeon and occurring toys and accessories' are expensive! Ran people thousands. And here I was obtaining it all for free. Maybe not one hundred percent free.

"Absolutely not, this is yours for as long as you stay in this house you will be provided for. All I ask in return is that you treat me like one treats their mother. I want the best for you and I want you to go far. With that said, your training will begin tomorrow at sundown. Ezra will attend your meetups with Noma to provide physical exemplary and demonstration. My last rules are simple and short. Don't, smoke, don't excessively drink, no dropping my family members, no exploring in my room, clean up after yourself this includes toys. And if you're going to play amongst your brothers and sisters please play nice, abuse in any non-consensual form is prohibited and if you partake in non-consensual acts, you will be thrown out. No ands, ifs, or buts."

I know my mouth is gaping and I probably look stupid but come on! Who sent me into an actual fairytale? And when would I wake up? I was stuck frozen in my spot barely moving barely breathing, halfway in the motion of snatching Mistress Buchanan up in an uncivilized hug, and half in the motion of dropping to my knees crying weeping for my Mama. Jesus, I didn't even call my Mama once. I scrub my palms over my face shaking with a hitch in my breath.

"I- don't know how to thank you." I choke. Mistress Buchanan caress my cheek pushing the strands of curly frizz from my face, inspecting and analyzing. She smiles slow and nods with a hum.

"You can thank me, by joining me this Thursday at Evangeline's charity ball. This will be the perfect time to introduce you to the favorited patrons and dare I say...competition. Everyone will be there. Ezra included, and it would only be fair." A ball? Jesus! I wring my hands together feeling the strong deafening thump, thump, thump of my heart in my ears and behind my eyes. I drag my tongue over my lips trying to wet them.

"That's really kind of you Mistress, but I don't know if I should," Her hand falls down to my arm and she squeezes firm in a comforting way. "I have nothing to wear and that's in two days. I'm extremely unprepared for such a public event. I'd mess up! I know I would." I whisper the last part. Mistress Buchanan shakes her head. Nonsense! The movement speaks.

"You'll have clothes well before the event, and I'll personally see that you're ready, you'll know all the basics when I'm done with you, and I know for a fact you'll leave an everlasting first impression in this new world you'll soon be partaking in," Mistress Buchanan clears her throat and another figure slinks into the room. William the switch. "I've hoped you two have met?" Will nods shooting me a crooked smile with hooded lids.

"Sure have, and let me tell you, Mistress," Will purrs, he walks deeper into the room with a slow almost predatorial stride. Teeth bared and shiny. He stops in front of me and tilts an invisible hat towards the floor and my feet. "Strong aura she's got, I felt personally attacked when she and Noma were up in that room together, presences wild and uncontrollable. I feel for poor little Ezra." Mistress taps Will's shoulder, and the man slides to his legs with a huff and hard eyes.

"You going to use me as the guinea pig?" He laughs. The older woman ignores him and tugs me to stand in front of him.

"I know I said your lessons would start tomorrow, but here's a little bonus piece. I thought it'd be helpful and comforting if I taught you your first lessons on being a proper female Dom. It'll only take about half an hour or so." She kicks Will's legs open and then circles him while clicking her teeth. "Plus I heard from a little birdie that you didn't attend mandatory schooling. This is elementary teaching, easy and simple. It'll be good for you to learn it."

I look down at the male and then nod slow, blinking the burn away from my eyes.

"Yeah," I mumble. "Okay."


Olp I'm a little late 🏃🏾‍♂️🏃🏾‍♂️ but like it's okay cause I'm about to be on summer break so it's all good. Thanks for being patient yall. And shout outside to you loyal followers I love yall. ❤❤❤ Goodnight.

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