Chapter 31 Mind Games

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It had been a few weeks since Kagome and Bruce had come back at the compound. In that time period, she had made significant progress with Bucky and Tony. They were both beginning to get a handle on their PTSD and Kagome was able to get rid of the programming that Bucky had from Hydra. Tony stop having nightmares about everything that had happened starting with Afghanistan. They were both more relaxed and sleeping better.

Even Bucky's therapist notices the difference. He, of course, attributed it to the therapy sessions. He was doing so well, that his therapist reported to Ross that Bucky maybe ready for field work sooner than they thought.

Ross, wanting to hear from someone who has more day-to-day contact with Sergeant Barnes, call Tony to Washington. He couldn't rely on Steve for this because 1. Steve was still on probation and 2. Steve was too close to Sergeant Barnes to be objective. The same thing could be said about Tony being too close but Everett trusted Tony's opinion more.

So, on Monday morning in his Iron Man suit, Tony flew to Washington to discuss James Buchanan Barnes and his possible induction into the Avengers.

Tony arrived at Everett Ross's office and proceeds to step out of his Iron Man suit. He was smartly dressed in a dark blue 3 piece suit. Tony knocks on Everett Ross's door and lets himself in his Iron Man suit followed him in.

"Mr. Stark, glad you could make it."

"No problem, Mr. Ross, I understand you want to talk about Bucky Barnes."

"Yes, I do. I was informed by his therapist that in the past few weeks Mr. Barnes has made significant progress."

Tony knew perfectly well that it had nothing to do with the therapy sessions but with Kagome's healing. Though he had no intention of telling Ross that.

"And what exactly does that have to do with me?"

"I want to know what you have observed."

"Shouldn't you be asking Rogers?"

"He's too close to Barnes to be objective."

Tony scoffs, "And you think I can?"

"Over Rogers, yes. So, what have you observed?"


**Sergeant Barnes has shown a decrease in night terrors. He is sleeping more soundly through the night. He is less withdrawn and engages in more conversations with the other Avengers. His dependence on Captain Rogers has decreased dramatically.**

"There you go, Everett, I'd say he's progressing nicely."

"Good, if you could continue to monitor him maybe in a couple of months he can sign the Accords and join the team."

"Will do."

With that, Tony got back in his suit and left. When he got back to the compound he went to his room and changed then went down to the lab to work with Bruce.

As the weeks went by everyone started noticing the change in Bucky  more. He was slowly coming out of his shell. He smiled more, expressed his opinion more, as far as what he wanted to order for dinner or what movie to watch. He also began venturing out of the compound and talking more, although the last two he mostly did with Kagome and Bruce.

While Steve was happy that Bucky had made friends with Kagome and Bruce, a part of him was a little jealous that he no longer had Bucky's full attention. After all, Steve was Bucky's oldest friend.

For her part, Natasha was even more suspicious of the relationship between Kagome and Bucky. She would often find Bucky helping Kagome and Bruce preparing Sunday dinner or Kagome would be working out alone with Bucky. There were times when Kagome and Bucky would go into the City without Bruce because he was too busy in the lab. It was fine with Bruce he knew it was part of Bucky's treatment. To get him used to being among people again.

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