Chapter 7 Making Progress

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"We still have a little time before dinner, how about we go meditate for a while?" 

Bruce readily agrees.

"Okay just let me go change and we'll head out."

Kagome gives Bruce a radiant smile and together they go into the house. Kagome goes up to her room and changes into her workout clothes, she then heads downstairs and grabs the yoga mats and some water. Meanwhile, Bruce also changes and makes his way downstairs, he takes the yoga mats from Kagome and they head out.

Upon arriving, they set up the yoga mats facing each other like they did the last time. Sitting down, Kagome instructs Bruce to give her his hands and to begin to meditate. Bruce closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, slowly he feels his body relax. While Bruce is relaxing, Kagome begins to push her spiritual powers into Bruce. She can feel that Hulk is restless and wants to come out. But slowly Kagome is able to calm down Hulk and make him relax.

Suddenly an idea occurs to her.

"Hulk, do you think you can come out without transforming?"

Bruce begins to panic, his eyes open and he stares at Kagome wide-eyed.

"What are you doing?"

"Relax, Bruce, I want to see something. I promise you'll remember everything. Just  close your eyes and breath."

Bruce can't help but do as Kagome instructs. For some reason, he has a great deal of trust in this little woman. Closing his eyes, he begins to relax again.

Once Kagome feels that Bruce is totally relaxed again, she addresses Hulk again.

"Hulk do you think you can come out without transforming?"

In Bruce's head, Hulk thinks for a moment, He understands what the Pretty Pink Girl wants, but he's not sure he can do it. Hulk slowly begins to surge forward, but it's too much for him and he takes over completely and transforms, once again plunging Bruce into darkness.

Kagome smiles at Hulk, who is now sitting in front of her with a disappointed look on his face.

"Sorry." He tells her.

She pats his hands encouragingly, "That's alright, Hulk we just need to give it some time and with a little bit of practice, you'll be able to come out without transforming. In the meantime, how do feel, are you still angry?"

Hulk looks at Kagome and shakes his head.

"Good what has caused your anger to go away?"

Hulk smirks at Kagome, "Pretty Pink Girl."

Kagome blushes, "So I'm the reason you're no longer angry?"

Hulk grunts in confirmation.

"Well, I'm flattered."

"Hulk like Pretty Pink Girl," Hulk says as he runs a finger down Kagome's cheek.

"I like you too, Hulk," Kagome tells him.

Suddenly Hulk reaches out and picks up Kagome, she looks at him surprised but doesn't say anything. Hulk cradles her to his chest with one hand while stroking her back with a finger, he makes a rumbling noise of contentment. Kagome realizes that Hulk is hugging her, she leans her head against his chest and closes her eyes, enjoying the warmth radiating from his chest. After a while Hulk puts Kagome down and smiles at her. He likes the fact the Kagome isn't frightened of him in the least bit. He pats her on the head then lets Bruce take over again.

Shrinking back down, Bruce sits up and looks around, "What happened?"

Kagome blushes, "I, um think Hulk was flirting with me."

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