Chapter 9 Bruce's New Job

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Bruce stood there for a while longer contemplating the kiss on the cheek that Kagome had given him. Was it just a friendly kiss or did it mean something more? He slowly made his way upstairs, got ready for bed and went to sleep, that night was the first night he ever dreamt of Kagome.

But the next morning he was a little unsettled, he didn't know why he dreamt of Kagome, though it was a pleasant dream, it rattled him afterward. Did Bruce really see her more than just a friend?

'Banner like 'Gome.' Bruce heard the Other Guy speak up in his head.

'No, I don't,' Bruce thought back.

'Yes,' Hulk insisted

'No I don't,' Bruce countered.

'YES!' Hulk roared in his head, making Bruce wince.

"It doesn't matter if I see her that way or not, I'm too old for Kagome. She would never want to be with an old man like me."

It was the only excuse he could cling to so that he wouldn't get hurt. He couldn't use the Other Guy as an excuse anymore not to start a relationship, stating he was too dangerous. Bruce knew that now that was a lie, especially with Kagome. But all his self-doubt and his insecurities wouldn't let him even consider the possibility of him being happy, Bruce sighs and gets up from his bed.

Getting ready for the day, he heads downstairs to have breakfast. When he gets there Kagome greets him with a huge smile. He returned it with his own tentative smile.

"Good morning, Bruce," Kagome says.

"Good morning, Kagome, how did you sleep?"

Very well, thank you, and you?"

"The same," Bruce says.

"That's good, say I was wondering if you'd like to go to Taisho Industries to see where you'll be working, now that you have Hulk under control."

"Are you sure I should go now," Bruce asks a  little uncertain.

"I don't see why not, you and Hulk get along great, your anxiety and stress level is non-existent now, you can handle it." Then Kagome thought for a moment, "Unless you feel like you're not ready."

Bruce thinks about it for a while, "I guess there's no harm in taking a look, I'd really like to see what your friend has set up for me."

"Okay then, let me call Sesshomaru and get something set up."

Kagome walks passed Bruce, then pauses, she thinks about kissing his cheek again but changes her mind. She doesn't want to push her luck. Instead, she runs upstairs and gets her phone, calling Sesshomaru, she explains to him that Bruce has gotten his anger issues under control and would at least for now like to see where he would work at the lab. There is a long pause.

"I shall have a car retrieve you and Dr. Banner in an hour, be sure you are ready, Miko, Shippou will accompany the two of you to the lab. The Kit will explain everything to him. Afterward, you will come here so I can meet him."

"Okay, Sesshomaru, we'll be ready."

Kagome goes back downstairs to Bruce who is enjoying his breakfast with Emiko.

"Okay, I talked to Sesshomaru, he's going to have a car here in an hour to take us to the lab, Shippou will join us to answer any question you may have."

Bruce nods, they finish their breakfast then head to their rooms to change into more appropriate attire. An hour later there's a knock at the door, Kagome answers the door and there stands Shippou.

"Good morning, Mother, "Shippou says in his deep baritone voice.

"Shh, not so loud, Bruce doesn't know anything about my past yet."

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