Chapter 15 Innocent Love

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After dinner, Bruce and Kagome went back to the shrine so that they could tell Emiko and Souta then good news. When they arrive they find Emiko sitting in the living room drinking tea and listening to music while Souta was upstairs doing his homework. The happy couple comes into the living room holding hands and laughing, causing Emiko to smile.

"I see you two had a lovely dinner."

Kagome smiles at her mother, "Yes we did in, fact, Bruce and I have some news."

Emiko's eyes widen and she covers her mouth, "You got engaged?"

Bruce chuckles, "No, not quite yet."

"Then what's the news?"

"Bruce and I have decided to move in together."

Emiko stands up from the sofa, she walks over and hugs Kagome. "I'm so happy for you, Kagome Dear, for the both of you," She says as she releases Kagome and hugs Bruce.

At this point, Souta comes downstairs after hearing all the commotion," What's going on?"

"Bruce and I have decided to get an apartment together," Kagome tells her little brother.

Souta crosses his arms and chuckles, "It's about time, I thought you guys would never move out of here."


"What? It's true, I've been expecting this to happen for some time now."

Emiko giggles, "To be honest, so was I."

Bruce and Kagome look at each other, "Well, we didn't want to rush into anything," Bruce explains.

Souta rolls his eyes, "Sure you didn't."

Kagome huffs and slaps her little brother's arm.

"When were you planning on looking for an apartment," Emiko asks.

Bruce looks at Kagome and rubs the back of his neck, "Well, actually, I was thinking about taking Sesshomaru up on his offer to get an apartment in one of his buildings, that is if it's okay with you, Kagome?"

"No, I think that's a wonderful idea, that will save us a lot of time in looking for an apartment. I'll call Sesshomaru tomorrow and let him know, I'm sure he would know which one of his building would suit us best."

With that settled, everyone decided that it was late and went off to bed. The next morning around 10:00, Kagome calls Sesshomaru, she lets the phone ring three times before she goes to hang up, but right when she's about to press end, she hears Sesshomaru's voice.

"Imouto, to what do I owe this call on a Sunday morning?"

"Good morning to you too, Nii-san, I am actually calling because I need a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"I need to know if that offer to move into one of your buildings still stands."

There was a long pause, "Ah I see that the good doctor finally got up the courage to ask you to move in with him. I was wondering when that would happen."

Kagome lets out an exasperated sigh, "You too? Did everyone think he was going to ask me to move in with him?"


"Well, you were wrong, I asked him not the other way around."

"Either way, Imouto, it was inevitable. And yes, my offer still stands, I have the perfect apartment building in mind. I shall email you all the details this afternoon so you and the good doctor can go look at it."

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