Chapter 13 Happiness

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Bruce and Kagome the rest of the morning lying on the blanket making out, cuddling and talking. Afterward, they went out for lunch and then to a movie. When they got home Emiko was sitting in the living room watching TV, she smiled as she saw the happy couple come into the house. With a kiss, Kagome sent Bruce upstairs so he could take a nap while she prepared dinner. They had a lovely dinner then spent the remainder of the evening cuddled on the sofa watching TV with Emiko.

The next day when they went to work, the change in them was obvious. Everyone could see just how happy they were, Even Sesshomaru noticed. He walked into Kagome's office and sat down in the chair across from her, he studied her for a moment before he said anything.

"You have changed, Miko, I would wager that it has something to do with Dr. Banner."

Kagome looked up from her work and blushed, "You would be correct, Sesshomaru, Bruce and I are now dating."

Sesshomaru raised an elegant eyebrow, "I am not surprised, I could smell the attraction  between the two of you, it was only a matter of time."

Kagome's blushed deepened, "It was a little difficult at first, he actually thought he was too old for me until I explained to him about Inuyasha."

"I'm sure that led to you telling him about your adventure in the past."


Sesshomaru didn't say anything after that, he simply grunted and stood up, "I am happy for you, imouto."

Thank you, Nii-san, I appreciate that."

And with that, Sesshomaru left Kagome's office, but he wasn't finished, he decided that he needed to speak to Bruce about his relationship with Kagome and about the information he had learned. Sesshomaru went to the lab where he found Bruce hard at work, everyone else in the lab immediately bowed to Sesshomaru, showing their respect, but Bruce was so caught up in his research that he simply had not noticed the Daiyoukai enter. Suddenly Hulk alerted Bruce to Sesshomaru's presence and Bruce turned around.

"Oh, Sesshomaru, I'm sorry I didn't notice you earlier, I was caught up in my work."

Sesshomaru said nothing at first, he just looked at Bruce. Then he suddenly turned around and began to walk away, without looking back he told Bruce."

"We must speak."

Instantly, Bruce followed Sesshomaru out of the lab and up to his office. Sesshomaru sits behind his desk, he motions for Bruce to take a seat. Bruce sits down and Sesshomaru stares at him for a few minutes, making Bruce nervous.

"The Miko has informed me that you two are involved and that she has told you about her past."

Bruce finally catches on to what Sesshomaru was alluding to, "Yes she told me of her past and the role you and her other friends played in it. And I can assure you that your secret is safe with me."

"Hn is it," Sesshomaru asks.

"Yes, of course, I would never betray Kagome's trust or yours."

Sesshomaru studies Bruce for a moment, then gives a curt nod, "Fine I believe you, but know this, Banner, if you hurt Kagome I will make you suffer in such a way that not even your alter ego will save you. You will long for death long before it arrives."

Both Hulk and Bruce shuttered at the thought, Hulk was pretty sure he couldn't take on Sesshomaru and live. He may be rash sometimes but he wasn't stupid.

"Has This Sesshomaru made himself perfectly clear?"


"Good, you may go now."

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