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'Are you sure you're able to go out?' Taehyung stared at his friend, his arms folded across his body with a worried expression in his face.
    Jungkook clicked his tongue, sending his friend a smile, his doe eyes shining. 'Of course I can go out, Taehyung! I feel much better, besides, I've been cooped up indoors for almost a week! I need some fresh air!'
    Taehyung nodded slowly, walking besides his friend, keeping a close eye on him incase Jungkook showed any sign of his migraine returning.
Jungkook happily walked ahead, a smile on his face as he breathed in the fresh air.
     Jungkook turned his head, looking at Taehyung, blinking. 'Tae, aren't you coming?'
     Taehyung pressed a smile, nodding. As soon as Jungkook faced forward again, the smile from Taehyung's face dropped. He couldn't help but feel worried about his friend and how he had gotten ill unexpectedly. Jungkook was the stronger male out of the both of them. He enjoyed taking care of his body and being active, eating well and sleeping well. Had something been stressing him out that he was not telling Taehyung?
     The hurt began to grow in his chest at the thought of Jungkook not telling him if something was wrong, however he was then reminded about how he himself had not told his best friend the truth about his results.
It's for his own good. Taehyung thought morbidly to himself, trying to cover the fact that he knew it was wrong to hide it from him and that when Jungkook would eventually find out, when it's too late, he would be mad at him.
    He could already see the hurt in his eyes, the way his brows would crease and the way he would bite down on the inside of his right cheek to stop himself from shedding tears. The way he would bury his head into his palms, scold himself for not paying more attention, for not accompanying Taehyung at any of his appointments, for if he had, he would have known sooner of the deadly tumour growing inside his brain.
     'Hey,' Jungkook nudged Taehyung's arm with his. 'What's wrong? You look a little glum today,'
    Taehyung sighed, shaking his head. 'I'm just a little tired.'
     'Ahh..' He threw an arm around Taehyung, grinning. 'I told you not to look after me so much, if you hadn't, you would be feeling great right now!'
     He shook his head again, looking down at his boots, his dark hair falling into his eyes. 'It's not that,'
     Jungkook stopped him, two hands on either side of his arm as he bent lower to look into his face. 'What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell again? Should I take you to the hospital?'
    Taehyung pushed his hands off of him before shoving them deep into the pockets of his denim jacket, kicking a pebble in front of him. 'Jungkook, I'm fine. I just need some rest.'
Jungkook stepped back, respecting his best friends need for space and privacy and he understood that if Taehyung had something to tell him, he would. If something was bothering him, he would tell him.
'Alright,' he nodded slowly, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue as fell back into pace with Taehyung. 'But if you ever need anything,' he said, glancing at Taehyung with a smile, 'I'm always here for you.'
Taehyung nodded, smiling at the beautiful boy. 'I know, Jungkook. I know.'
Jungkook breathed out, grinning as he slung one arm over his friends shoulder and the other hand stuffed inside his coat. 'Where do you want to go today?'
Taehyung put a hand on his chin, exaggerating his thinking as he raised his brows. 'Should we go to the pier?'
The boy frowned, pouting his lips. 'It's too cold for that.'
'But there's a Ferris wheel there! I've always wanted to go on one!' Taehyung exclaimed sadly.
'Taehyung, you have your whole life to go on a Ferris wheel. Besides, I thought you were afraid of heights.' Jungkook rolled his eyes with amusement, chuckling.
'I think that I should try to conquer my fears, because what if I don't have my whole life?' Taehyung said sadly, hoping his friend wouldn't catch on with what he meant.
'What?' He sputtered out, eyeing Taehyung worriedly.
'Nothing, I just meant that we don't know when we could die.' He looked up at the sky, the grey clouds representing his dull mood. He sighed closing his eyes.
Jungkook ignored his friends words, noticing that for almost a month now, Taehyung had been talking about death. He looked once more at Taehyung before letting a soft sigh escape him, forcing a smile for his friend. 'To the pier we go.'




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