"When's that?" Martin asked.

"The twenty-eighth. The last day of this month," she said.

"It's the twenty-fourth already," I said, shaking my head. "That leaves us with four days—three days, really, since today is almost over. I don't know if that'll be enough time."

"If the time allotted is insufficient, we can postpone until Month Eight, Day 28." She lowered her head but maintained eye contact. She was like a viper, trying to predict my next move before striking.

If we waited, Katie would have to remain with the Ras another month. I couldn't put her through that.

"No. Three days is enough."

"Then we have a deal." Rahaiwen's lips formed a half smile as she made the inverted triangle hand gesture. She then sauntered away into the trees out of our line of sight.


"It appears that we are going to Tau, then," Elossai said with a sigh.

"You don't have to come along, Elossai. This isn't your fight," I said. "You've already helped us so much and, trust me, we're more than grateful."

"I have to come with you."

"You don't have to do anything."

"Yes, I do," Elossai insisted. "I need to make sure you are safe."

"Elossai, I'm not your master." I hadn't realized that the truth could be so hurtful to Elossai until after I'd already said it. Even Martin was shaking his head with disapproval. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"I understand." Elossai looked at her feet and nodded sadly.

"Look, it's not that I don't want you to come. I know this is going to get more dangerous as we go."

Elossai looked at me with tears in her eyes. Her lips were in a tight line. "I am aware of that, which is why I must come. I know that you are not my master, but can't I go with you, not as your Elos, but as your friend?"

I nodded in agreement and gave her a tight hug.

"So, ladies..." Martin cleared his throat. "We have three days to find ourselves in Tau and we're not allowed out of the mansion. How are we gonna make that happen?"

"By force," Elossai said. I almost asked if she was serious, but her expression said it all. "Ellis Ann, pack your uni-elk cloak and whatever else you may think you need. Martin, return to your room and do the same—wait for me there."

"I'm on it," Martin said.

"Be ready in five minutes," said Elossai, then they left my room.

I found my old brown sack that I'd used when we left Possen Fort and began tossing in a few warm clothes before throwing in my uni-elk cloak. I saw 'Faces of Eloria' on my desk and tossed that in as well.

Then, I thought about Keiran. It didn't seem right that I should leave him without an explanation, so I grabbed a piece of paper and pen and scribbled away:

Dear Keiran,

We've gone to find Katie. Don't worry about us—we'll be fine. I'm sorry, but this is the only way.

Ellis Ann Moore

I placed the note on my pillow, hoping that when Drea came to clean, she'd find it and pass it on to him. There was no guarantee that she would, but it was better than nothing. I was still trying to decide whether I should pack the corin chest when I heard a knock on the door.

Lost Identity: Eloria Series Book 1 | ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ