Only One Can Be The Queen Bee

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"This is an emergency meeting!" I shout at my best friend and my boyfriend. "We have to talk strategy on how to take down Emily!"

"Forget Emily! Why are you two dating? Caspian, I thought you were straight. Mason, weren't you dating Noah?" Gabby seems very confused.

"I'm bisexual, I like both boys and girls," Caspian states.

"And Noah broke up with me because he believed the rumors and called me a slut," I add.

"Oh that makes sense," Gabby nods. "Although I'm still a little stuck on the bisexual thing."

I roll my eyes. "Let's focus here! Emily is planning to expose Caspian-!"

"Expose me?" Caspian interrupts. "I didn't even do whatever the hell Emily says I did."

I sigh. "Emily is planning to lie about Caspian, saying that he harassed and abused his ex-girlfriend...which he didn't." I try to make it clear.

"Okay so we're gonna make Caspian look innocent," Gabby nods along.

"You're going to prove I'm innocent! Why are you both acting like this really happened?!" Caspian is getting upset, but it's a little funny to see him so worked up.

"Yes yes, we know. Gabby, I'm going to need you to help prove Caspian's innocence. Your parents are both lawyers right?" I ask.

She nods. "Order in the court!"

Caspian gives me a weird look. "Please tell me we're not relying on her, we're getting her parents right?"

"No! That would be silly. Gabby is going to use her lawyer genetics to beat the lies out of Emily!" I smirk.

"That's an awful plan, she's not a lawyer and she doesn't know anything about being one," Caspian grunts.

Gabby puts her hands on her hips. "Excuse me?! I am going into Law when I graduate!"

"You're not doing fashion?" Caspian questions.

"No. I don't need to study fashion, I am fashion," she pauses. "Don't worry, I've watched enough How To Get Away With Murder to be able to do this!"

"She's relying on a TV show? We're doomed," Caspian sighs.

I roll my eyes. "Gabby, I believe in you. Tomorrow you're gonna show that lying bitch Emily up!"

Gabby grins. "And at last I will rise back to the throne as QUEEN!" she cackles.

Caspian and I give each other weird looks, but we ignore it. We need Gabby to take down Emily. Fighting fire with fire, queen against queen.


"Will Emily Jewel please report to her locker!" Gabby screams through a megaphone that she bought on our way to school. She flips her golden hair back, which is looking just as I remembered it. Long, and wavy just like Rapunzel. "Are you sure this will work?" Gabby whispers to me, and I give her a nod.

"We have to confront her now, and make it very public. We need to address the statement as false, even if people won't believe us. Although, being as it's from both you and me, the students should be more trusting of us even if that misleading picture is out." I explain and Gabby nods.

Gaydarजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें