Little Gem

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Talk to me? Caspian Rose wants to talk to me?! There's no way this is actually happening! Is there someone behind me? Is it Emily he really wants? Am I dreaming this? That's most likely the only answer, I hope I never wake up from this dream! Is it possible to live in a dream forever? Will someone put me into a coma?

"Y-Y-Yes!" It takes me three tries to finally get out a single word. I wish I could die right here and now. I cannot embarrass myself anymore in front of Caspian Rose!

"Okay good, come with me then." Caspian takes my hand...MY HAND! This dream is really spoiling me today! I've never felt this kind of happiness before. My heart is beating so fast that I might explode. His hands are warm and a lot bigger than mine, which only makes me swoon more. He proceeds to pull me into a small hallway that no one uses. Then we finally come to a stop and it's like time has frozen. I just want to hug him with no warning and refuse to let go for as long as I live. Joined with my lover for eternity, that sounds romantic!

"Sorry I pulled you away, but I really wanted to talk to you about something important," he mutters. My eyes open wide, hoping for the impossible.

The possibilities of what he wants to ask me are endless, but in the situation, it must be a secret and personal matter. In high school, there is only one answer for this situation, confessing feelings of love! That's it! Caspian Rose is going to declare that he's been in love with me all this time. That he's been looking at me just as long as I've been looking at him. He'll press his gentle lips into mine and I'll feel fireworks set off within my body as the choir sings Hallelujah. This is just like in my dreams, and now they are finally becoming a reality!

Unfortunately, after he says this, he lets go of my hand. Although that depresses me, his words still provide hope that rise me back into the clouds. I'm ascending so high that I could dance with the angels that are granting me this miracle.

"It's no problem at all," I gush. I'm completely lovestruck with wide eyes and an open smile. My head is tilted all the way up because he's so much taller than me. There's a pretty big height difference from 5'6 to 6'2. This might be an odd time to mention it, but you have to be precisely 5'6 in order to be a GEM. I don't know why, but it works for me, I'm fine with my height. At least I get a better view of his perfect body from down here. I have to be careful not to drool, that wouldn't make the best impression.

"So, Mason, this is probably going to sound really weird."

He used my name, MY NAME! Is this heaven? Come on now, you really know how to make a gay happy!

I want to say that nothing he says is weird, but I find that too flirty, so I quickly try to rephrase. "Don't worry, I've been asked lots of weird stuff." I awkwardly smile.

He gives me a small smile back, and I feel angels blessing me with a harmonious song as he does this. "Would you help me with something?" His raspy voice makes it impossible to say no.

"Of course, I'm always here to help." I tell a bit of a white lie. While I do like to help people, sometimes I just leave them to suffer. It's the GEM way. Only help those who can benefit you.

"Would you...could you help me get Gabby to date me?" Caspian asks with a little blush. The sweetest face I've ever seen, but with words so bitter that it forces me out of the pearly gates and back down to my terrible reality. Of course he wants Gabby, why would I ever think he would want to talk to me if not for her? I mean she is the Queen Bee, Medusa, the leader and prettiest girl there is. Compared to her, I'm just the side show gay.

"Oh, you like Gabby?" I try to hide my own feelings and lean toward my gossip-loving self. "How original, you know everyone likes Gabby."

Caspian scratches his head and flashes a goofy smile which makes my heart skip a beat. "I know, but I really like her! Although with the way she denies every guy, I don't want to make a move out of the blue."

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