The Ex Girlfriend

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"FriYAY!" Emily shouts from across to Gabby and I from across the schoolyard. She's wearing a gold crop top with the word 'FriYAY' on it.

"Emily you're so loud and obnoxious! My ears are bleeding." Gabby shows off her ruby red earrings that match her red off shoulder top and go well with her ripped jeans.

"I'm sorry, I just love saying FriYAY!" Emily shouts once again, honestly it is getting a little obnoxious.

"Emily!" Gabby flips her long golden locks and gives her the stop it now look. "Fri-yay is dumb." Her ruby red lips let out this overly straight forward message. I feel bad for Emily that Gabby said it like that, but I don't exactly know what to do in this situation.

"No it isn't." Emily's high spirit is diminished, causing her to flip her brown locks in distress and bitterness. Then she proceeds to cross her arms and shut her mouth.

"What if it was like FriGay!" I joke, and suddenly Gabby burst into laughter.

"Ahaha! Now that's clever! I love it Mason, we should declare all Fridays - FriGays!" Gabby smiles.

I smile, but I can feel Emily's jealousy and anger pinned at me.

"That's basically the same thing as I said!" Emily growls, and Gabby gives her the side eye.

"So Mason," Gabby turns to back to me, ignoring Emily.

"Yes?" I question, the look Gabby is giving me seems a little off. What is she thinking? Normally I'm good at this, but today I feel less in tune with her.

"I saw you went home with Caspian yesterday, what exactly is going on there?" She crosses her arms.

"W-Well just like I told you in lunch, he's finding me someone to date," I reply, but she doesn't seem satisfied.

"And he doesn't want anything in return?" Gabby is already on to us. She may not seem like the observant type, but she has a scary ability to read into people.

"Just...some help with homework." I make up an answer, since I know I have to say something. Homework seems believable since Caspian is a jock, and jocks are universally known as being dumb. I don't know what his grades actually are, but he isn't in any honors classes is all I know.

"Mason! Don't let him blackmail you into getting him better grades. Sorry, but how is a jock going to find you a gay boyfriend? I don't think this is a good idea, he's tricking you!" The way Gabby looks out me makes me happy, but I know Caspian isn't trying to blackmail me...right?

"No! I swear he isn't like that. I can tell when someone is trying to be deceitful, but he's genuine. He may be a dumb jock who approached me thinking I wouldn't help him unless he gave me something, but he's really sweet." Words spill off my tongue. I really don't know what I said, but it was all in support of him and at least it's all true.

Gabby lips curve upward and she finally looks pleased. "If you say so, I didn't know you liked him so much."

"Wh-What? Who said that?" I ask in an outrage, which causes her and even Emily to chuckle.

"You want me to ask him if he likes you?" Gabby smiles with a devious look in her eye.

"N-No!" I yell. Oh no she's getting the wrong idea, well it's technically true, but that's not what I'm trying to achieve here. I may like him, but that doesn't matter right now. I need her to like him.

Emily jumps in the conversation once again, finally cheering up. "Come on Mason you stare at him all the time, I know you're imagining something else," she giggles, of course teasing me is how she cheers up.

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