Homosexual Handwriting

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Compatibility, the aspect that can either make love succeed with no trouble or fail miserably. Compatibility is an affinity between one person and another. Where two personalities pleasantly merge together, creating a symphony that lights up the room. It's like dancing on the clouds, where nothing could pull them down. No matter what storm came about the two's way, the two survived and created an even stronger flame. This kind of compatibility is what creates lasting relationships, and it's the kind that I wish for. Although, there's been no one I can truly say I know that is compatible with me,

"What a cute room," Caspian mutters upon entering my pastel colored room. "It's like Easter meets gay." He looks at every wall which is a different pastel shade. One wall is pink, another blue, green, and purple. The colors make me happy together, and look very gay! I'm not going for an Easter theme here.

"I knew you'd love it," I chuckle, plopping down on my mint green bedsheets. My whole room is a big splash of colors, after all my favorite color is rainbow! Technically it's mint green though if I were to pick.

"Honestly I wish my room was this visually appealing." His lips curve up into a smile. At this point I'm suspicious since he hasn't insulted anything in my room.

"Maybe I'll come and colorize your room," I say as a joke, but he gives me a thumbs up like he agrees. I think I'm falling for him even more than I was before!

"I was just going to ask you to. You read my mind." Caspian replies, causing me to blush and become flustered.

"So, we should start making the plan." I try changing topics, grabbing my pale yellow notebook and opening it to a blank page. "What should we call it?"

"The jock and the gay," Caspian jokes. I nudge him in the arm with a dissatisfied glare. "What? It's a good name!"

"I'm not a fan," I snap, while he looks a little offended himself.

"Well excuse me! You got a better name?"

I'm glad he asked, I have a perfect name for this plan!

"How about gay saves the day," I smile, and he laughs with the goofiest smile on his face. His eyes light up, appearing like sapphires or a deep blue ocean. The way he looks right now, makes me feel happier somehow. Like a transfer of happiness has occurred just by looking at him.

"You better write that down," he smirks, and I giggle as I begin to title the page. I click my purple pen and touch it to the white paper. Neatly forming every letter, I make sure to make the title look as perfect as I can get it. "You have girly handwriting."

"I like to call it gayly handwriting." My witty response make him chuckle.

"Is that the term for being even better than girl's handwriting?" He questions, I'm a little shocked by his compliment.

"Only if you think so." I accidentally flirt with him, but I don't notice until I hear myself saying it aloud. "I mean even if you don't, gayly handwriting is still superior. It's the homosexual handwriting phenomenon that allows this to happen."

"Don't worry I recognize if something is better than another."

"Okay okay, enough of that. We have to make this plan." I try to get us back on track.

"First, put down that you have to get me a date with Gabby." He points to page impatiently.

"Step one isn't exactly the easiest." I sigh, using my purple pen to write down Get Caspian a date with Gabby. Somehow I'll have to convince Gabby to pay more attention to him instead of Noah or Jack.

"For the next one, write down that I have to get a boy for you." He seems ready to deliver on that promise, which makes me wonder if he already has someone in mind. I happily write it down, hoping that he'll be able to finally get me someone to date.

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