Double Date

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"Let's see what color looks good on you," Caspian mutters, looking through different colored tuxedo.

"Why should I wear a tuxedo? I'll look dumb in it and that's going way overboard," I sigh.

Caspian shakes his head in disagreement. "No, you'll look great with my help!"

"Okay, but why a tuxedo? That's a lot of money! How are you going to afford it?"

"My parents are doctors," he replies.

"I guess helping people runs in the family."

"I have a heart of gold," he boasts.

I roll my eyes. "You have your moments when you're not so bad." I catch him shrug his shoulders with a smile. Damn that was so cute.

"What's your favorite color?" Caspian asks, looking through a book of tuxedo colors.

"Mint green, but I'm not wearing that, I'll look dumb!" I clarify.

He smirks. "Really? Not even if it looked like this?" Caspian conveniently opens to a page where a guy is modeling a white suit with a mint green tie.

"Oh wait that's really cute," I mutter. "But I think that's because the model is hot."

"No, it'll look great on you! It goes well with your pretty green eyes!"

I blush. "Y-You think my eyes are pretty?"

He nods. "Of course, Gabby thinks so too. We talked about it once."

It's a little weird that they brought my eyes up in conversation, but the fact that Caspian thinks my eyes are pretty makes me so happy! I just want to hug and kiss—I mean hug know I'm sort of about to be in a relationship and so is he. I really am hopeless.

"If you think it'll look good, let's do it then!" I gush.

So, the two of us being completely dumb, didn't realize that the suit would have to be tailored to me as well as ordered, which would all take a fairly long time. So getting a suit today is impossible, but for some reason, Caspian still decided to buy it. We went through the fitting and they took all my measurements. They told me it would be ready for pickup in three weeks.

"So what are we going to do know?" I ask.

"I think you can go in what you're wearing, you look good in that," Caspian shrugs.

"You were the one that told me I couldn't go in a sweatshirt!"

"Well you shouldn't normally, but I doubt it matters since Noah really likes you already," Caspian replies.

"H-He does?" I blush.

Caspian nods. "So, I'm going to drive you home and then he'll pick you up at five. Okay?"

"Okay, I'll miss you," I mutter.

Caspian smiles. "You'll see me again soon."

I know that I shouldn't have these feelings, but I can't deny their existence. It's like there's a magnetic force that keeps pulling me toward him. I'm quite the problematic gay.


"Mom! Watch for the car! I'm not ready!" I shout, scrambling to get ready.

"Yeah yeah," I hear her mutter.

I put on a maroon sweater and my nicest dark blue jeans. It's not much, but it's a little fancier than what I normally wear. "Cute," I say to myself in the mirror.

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