A Boy Is Coming To My House

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The school bell finally rings, dismissing everyone out on this fine Thursday. My last class of the day is English, which I have with Gabby. Together we rise out of our seats and make our way out of the class. "Oh Mason I forgot to tell you! Did you hear Jack Cross and his girlfriend broke up?" Gabby whispers.

"Actually I did hear that in the locker room from Jack himself," I reply, and Gabby gasps dramatically.

"No way! He's so disgusting! He probably talks about it like he's so great. He dumped his girlfriend because it was her birthday today, he didn't want to feel liable for getting her a birthday gift." Gabby states, and I let out a heavy sigh. Jack is an awful person after all, I really shouldn't be going around him. Even if his offer is tempting to a gay boy with no other options.

"Speaking of Jack Cross, I wanted to tell you something I overheard." I motion for her to come closer even though we're already close enough to hear a whisper. "He said that he really likes you, and that you're the one he's always wanted to date." I whisper into her ear, expecting her to be completely turned off and disgusted.

"Really?" Gabby questions it, but doesn't really seem to show any disgust. It's like all the negative emotion she had for him is beginning to wither away. "Well he is really attractive." Gabby swoons, she swoons! How can a person's feelings drastically change like that?

"G-Gabby, he dumped his girlfriend because he didn't want to give her a gift. You love gifts, you can't live without them!" I try to convince her of her own nature.

"I know, but maybe that's because she wasn't a good girlfriend. After all, he did say he wanted me all along." Gabby twirls a part of her golden locks with a daydreaming smile on her face. I can't believe I just convinced Gabby to start liking Jack when I was trying to make her not like him and like Caspian instead.

"What happened to you liking Noah?" I question, and she giggles like she's on laughing gas.

"I still like him too silly goose!" She taps my nose. "I would take either one of them to be my first official boyfriend!" She leaves out Caspian from her list, looks like this is going to be much harder than I thought.

"Well I think you shouldn't leave out-!" I try to throw in Caspian's name again, but I'm interrupted...by Caspian himself.

"Mason! Over here!" Caspian waves his hands frantically over to me. Why is he ruining me trying to help him? Annoyed, I end up saying bye to Gabby and heading over to Caspian.

"Caspian! I'm trying to help your cause and you're pulling me away from it!" I yell unexpectedly.

"Sorry I was just worried you were going to miss me if you kept walking with her." Caspian doesn't sound nearly as upset as I am for him.

"No it's fine by me. I didn't want to be blamed for not convincing her because you pulled me away." I reply, and Caspian's lips form into a sweet smile.

"Thanks for doing this for me." His ocean eyes light up in the sunlight, and I finally understand why it feels so good to be appreciated.

"No problem." I blush, following him as he walks over to his slim, silver car. I have no idea what kind of car it is because I don't spend my time researching cars, plus I don't have my license.

We get into his car and I sit shotgun in the black leathered seat. He places the key in, turning it to start the engine. "What do you want to listen to?" He asks me, handing me his phone which is linked to the speaker. I find myself stumbling on what to choose.

"I don't think you'd like what I listen to." I reply, and he laughs a little.

"Why? Do you listen to like death metal or something?" He jokes, and I roll my eyes.

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