Gay Saves The Day

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"Gay saves the day, remember that? It was our plan," I mutter, looking at the "master plan" the two of us wrote down in my notebook.

"Oh yeah, that was pretty fun. You didn't like my suggestion of the jock and the gay," Caspian smirks.

"Maybe since you were just putting two words that described yourself," I wink.

Caspian pokes my side, which makes me giggle. "Oh so now you claim to have a Gaydar?"

"I admit, my gaydar sucked and it stills sucks."

"Mine was very good and you made fun of it!" Caspian crosses his arms.

"I'm pretty obviously gay, you don't get an award for that," I roll my eyes.

"I was talking about Noah. I went out of my way to ask him because I thought so. He got mad at me at first, so I had to tell him I was bisexual. He was really surprised, so I guess he didn't have a clue either. I guess gaydar's are rare to come by these days," he shrugs.

"Or maybe you saying "bro" and hanging out with the jocks made you seem straight."

"Since when is hanging around lots of guys considered a straight thing," he winks.

I laugh and shake my head. "I hate you."

"Actually, I think you like me a lot," he teases me.

"Is your gaydar telling you that?" I smirk.

"No, your dick is," he laughs and reaches his hand toward me.

I swat his hand away and cover myself with my blanket. My face heats up, I didn't notice that it was so obvious. "D-Did you have to point it out?"

"You gave me the perfect opportunity, I had to," he chuckles and bites his lip.

"You're so mean." I hide my embarrassed face.

"Not as mean as Emily."

I sigh. "That reminds me, what are gonna do about her?"

"Who knows? Turn her into the police maybe."

"I wish we could. I don't think she's done anything illegal though," I cross my arms and put my thinking cap on.

Caspian smirks. "Maybe she'll try to burn down the school at homecoming tonight."

"Metaphorically, she might," I worry.

"I doubt she's gonna tru and ruin homecoming. She'll probably just say something bitter afterward. Now, come on, let's get ready for this damn event and enjoy ourselves!"

"You don't mean that you're taking me to homecoming, do you?" I open my eyes wide.

He gives me a weird look. "Uh yeah? We're dating, why wouldn't you think that?"

I cross my arms. "Well you didn't ask me with a cute sign, so I don't know if I should go."

"Isn't that stuff for prom?"

"I want one at prom too, but I still want a cute sign that tells me that you care," I mutter. I know I'm being a lot, but I like signs okay?!

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