Chapter Thirty-Three - Outside

Começar do início

Her face lifted to the sky and she groaned in relief as the sun warmed her pale face.

"I guess it's been a while since you've been outside, huh," Yoongi muttered, standing beside her, his eyes always scanning around them.

"Mm. Last time I saw the sky I was in New York being driven through a war zone into H-Corp with my husband."

Yoongi fell silent beside her, not really wanting to hear about that memory.

"I'm sure you probably know what it's like to look everywhere and all you see are dead bodies," she said, her voice falling flat and quiet.

Yoongi didn't bother to answer. It wouldn't benefit either of them if he did.

"Alright, Yoongi, show me the highlights of this place. I'm a tourist and want to do all the touristy things."

He smirked at her attempt at brevity.

"Well, first off lets go see the sandy beaches, the beautiful ocean, and if you know where I can find any of that stuff, I will follow you instead."

Aster laughed and shook her head. "I'm afraid I have no idea."

"Then, let's just walk around and help you get the layout of the place."

Yoongi walked beside her, both hands behind his back, his eyes constantly scanning the area as he told her which building was which. A few times he caught men staring and he snarled and bared his teeth to warn them to keep their eyes to theirselves.

Aster was too busy looking around at her new surroundings to notice anyone giving her a second glance.

"To the right you'll see the officer's quarters. All of us live there. The regular soldiers live in those longer buildings to your left. Down that walkway is the cafeteria."

"Oh, can we get something to eat there? I'm pretty hungry." Her hands clung to her stomach and Yoongi had to work hard not to smile at her.

"It's not meal time, but I'm sure cook has something we can munch on while we walk."

The two went down and a grumpy cook reluctantly gave them a couple of apples, complaining about how it would throw off his recipes all week.

Aster almost gave the apple back but Yoongi stopped her and shook his head.

"He's just a grumpy old codger."

Aster laughed and the two continued on their tour.

"That's the office building. Namjoon's office is there along with some of the others."

"Oh! Can we see him?"

Yoongi shrugged. "I suppose."

The two walked into the building and up to the General's door.

* * *


I heard a knock on my door and Jin stepped back from my desk where we had been brainstorming about what needed to be done before Li arrived.

"Come in," I said, unable to hide my annoyance at the interruption.

Yoongi's head poked in and he smiled. "You have a guest, General."

I frowned a bit and looked behind him as he entered.

There stood Aster at my office door.

"Ah, Mrs. Presley!" greeted Jin. "It's good to see you up and about."

"Thank you," she mumbled, following Yoongi and stepping inside.

I stood to my feet and walked around the desk. I saw her looking around with wide and curious eyes. "It's not as magical as you're thinking," I leaned close and whispered.

She giggled and I couldn't help but smile.

I offered her a chair and she sat down.

"It feels nice to sit down. I've been all over this post!"

Yoongi shook his head. "We haven't even been to the recreation area yet."

Jin clicked his tongue. "Yoongi, you shouldn't drag the poor woman everywhere. She hasn't been upside in days. She will probably tired easily."

Aster waved her hands in protest. "No, it's okay! I wanted to see the place I've been held captive at."

The room fell silent and I felt even more awkward at her words.

"Aster, I don't think you're being held captive at this point," I said.

"Really? Then can I go home?"

I frowned and looked at Jin for help. He shrugged and turned to put some books away.


"Well..." I felt myself floundering before finally settling on a statement. "Would you be safer back home?"

"The answer is no, Aster," muttered Yoongi, looking up from studying his fingernails.

"At least I would be in a familiar surrounding."

"I think you're forgetting that a big event just occurred. Remember? The Extinction? Your home is probably still covered in rotting dead bodies," I said, not trying to frighten her but to remind her she was safer with us than at home alone.

"Wow...just when I thought you couldn't get harsher. Are you implying I am the last of my kind?" She folded her arms and stood from her chair, walking determinedly toward me.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I said curtly, returning to my seat behind my desk.

"How can you be so sure?"

The room was silent again. Jin was standing motionless and Yoongi was staring us down.

I sighed and sat down on the side of my desk, looking down at my nails and pondering what I should say next.

Again my mouth betrayed me.

"Because. We have taken in many humans and are caring for them in the fallout from the Extinction."

Her hands clapped to her mouth and she gasped softly. "You didn't kill everyone?"


Before the FallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora