Such a Softer Sin Chapter 23

Start from the beginning

"The fuck was that?!" Murphy screeched, his arms flailing about as he tried to catch his breath. Lila looked contrite but the smile she was trying to hide came to view. He was too cute like this.

"Connor told me to wake you, not so nicely." She snorted, covering her mouth again when Murphy glared at her. He turned his glare onto his smug brother.

"Oh did he now?" Murphy deadpanned, eyes burning holes into his brother wishing he would set alight.

"Well, ye did fuck the lass first and all." Connor shrugged, still smirking. Murphy pursed his lips, sauntering over to Lila and slinging an arm around her shoulder.

"Aye I did fuck her first, and now ye get me sloppy seconds brother." Murphy smirked. It turned to a full-on cackle at Connors' face as he squinted at him. Lilas' mouth was agape as she looked up at Murphy, not liking being referred to as sloppy fucking seconds. She reached out and twisted his nipple with a scowl, making him yelp loudly. She moved away and crossed her arms over her chest squinting at him.

"Just for that comment, you aren't getting any for a week." She huffed, making Connor laugh loudly behind her.

Murphy's face looked panicked for a minute as he looked from her to his brother almost pleadingly like he was asking for backup. Connor walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her middle, resting his chin on her shoulder as he looked at his brother all too smugly for Murphy's liking.

"Ye know lass, I think that's a brilliant fuckin' plan." He grinned mischievously at Murphy. Lila smirked, raising a brow at Murphy.

"Like fuck it is! T'was a joke and ye know it, that's not fair!" He whined petulantly like a child having his favorite toy taken away from him. Connor laughed and Lila bit her lip to stop her laughter coming out as she looked at a scowling Murphy.

"Ye know what..." Connor started, unwinding his hands from Lila and moving away. He sauntered over to near Murphy.

"I have an even better idea." Connor grinned wickedly, looking to Lila, she quirked her brow curiously, wanting to hear what it was as Murphy huffed.

"I think, as well as not gettin' any for a week, he should have te see us at it like rabbits. Let him see what he's missin' and all that." Connor smirked, all to pleased with himself. Lila snorted, watching as Murphy's hands balled into fists as he glared at his brother.

"Oh fuck you! She wouldn't be able te resist me and ye know it. All I'd have te do is call her a naughty lass again and she'd get fuckin' soaked, ain't that right m'girl?" Murphy smirked, quirking his brow at Connor making him bark a laugh.

Lila snorted so loud she ended up slapping her hand over her mouth, her cheeks flaming red as the twins looked at her. It wasn't that what he had said was so bold that made her blush, it was the fact it was true. It was also the fact that she had thought none of them noticed how her body reacted that way in the diner to Murphy's words, but the sly smirk on their faces said otherwise.

"I'm not having this fucking conversation with you two, oh my god!" She laughed, feeling like her whole body was blushing. The twins grinned wickedly at her and she shook her head, grabbing her panties and shirt to cover at least some of her modesty after feeling so exposed, like Murphy was fucking calling her out for being a horny little thing. The twins were watching her, their eyes dark and predatory and she wished she didn't have work so they could go for round two, giving Connor his turn.

"Didn't you promise food?" Lila asked, looking at Connor pointedly. The lighter hair twin huffed a laugh and nodded.

"Aye sweetheart I did." He smiled, pushing his urge to fuck her like an animal down. He walked over, plating up the now warmed up lasagna.

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