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Note:I know BTS till 2OI6 lived in one room together and slept on bunk beds but for my story I had to make it like they had a home where they slept in pairs and also have a guest room where the main character would sleep,also the main rooms like kitchen,bathroom,living room but don't imagine anything big as room they are 4 in total.They are 2 from the left 2 from the right while in the middle is the living room and behind the kitchen.(look pic)

I woke up and felt someone holding my hand,I looked to my left and was jimin sleeping on the floor like a baby.

I guess he wanted company...if only that jerk photographer wasn't so rude towards him.

"Jimin...wake up."I softly whispered in  his ear and saw him slowly open his eyes.

"Goodmorning..."He said sleepily and got up from the floor."What time is it...?"He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"It's 8am."I answered and he nodded."Okay thanks sunny,I will go to my room now so the boys don't get the wrong idea."

Wrong idea?

"Sure,no problem."I waved him off and watched him leave the room.

I stood up from the bed and stretched a bit."It seems like I fell asleep last night,I wonder why they didn't wake me up."I asked myself and headed downstairs.

I walked to the kitchen and started making breakfast from the leftovers they had in the fridge.I thought it would be a good idea since they for let me sleep over.

"What is this smell?"Hoseok said as he walked in the kitched and waved his hand in front of the pan to smell.

"I am making pancakes."I answered as I placed the last stack of pancakes on the plate.

"Daebak!Did you really made all of this?"He looked at the plate suprised to see how many pancakes I made.

For your information it's 2I pancakes.

"Yes I made all of them so now go wake the others and come here to eat breakfast!"I pushed him outside the kitched and waved my spatoula around.

"Okay!"Hoseok said excitely and left to get the others.

I was smiling like an idiot until my vision became blurry.

Shit...it's happening again!

My head started throbbing and I closed my eyes as a reflex.When I opened them again I was laying om the bed with my hand held by jimin who was sleeping on the floor.

Huh?If I am here that means something happened while everyone was sleeping.

I stood up from the bed and picked jimin who was on the floor and placed him on the bed I was sleeping at,he flinched a bit in his Sleep but he didn't wake up.

Okay jimin was fine when I woke up and hoseok came in the kitchen so I need to check yoongi,jin,jungkook,namjoon and taehyung.

Jake had already told me about their rooms arrangement incase of an emergency so I started with yoongi/jin's room I walked in and saw them sleeping with a drawer in the middle of their beds to respect their privacy.I tried my best to not wake them up and stayed there,if something happened to them tonight I would be able to see it but if it's not them I will just time leap again.

A couple of minutes Passed and my vision became blurry making me leap back to the bed.

Okay they were not the ones who got hurt,now I need to check jungkook since he is the youngest out of all the members so he might be the one.

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