Such a Softer Sin Chapter 22

Start from the beginning

Apart from that, everything was going smoothly. There had been no fights, the usual bickering but they wouldn't be the MacManus twins if they didn't bicker. She was thankful things seemed good, better than good even. She felt at home with these two, they made her feel cared about in their own ways and she wouldn't change them for the world.

They were at work and Lila had finished her routine cleaning of the apartment. She was sat at the dining table making a list of things to buy when her eyes landed on the mattresses. Murphy's had been abandoned. They all slept in Connors bed now, from the first night after they told her they were in love with her, she just stayed with them, the three of them found it hard to be apart. They hadn't told her they loved her since, and she hadn't ever said it to them. She did love them, but she also knew the only reason they said it at all was the pure desperation behind her leaving. It wasn't that she didn't believe them, because they had been showing her they loved her in their own ways. But she felt like they hadn't been ready to say it, they had been forced to by the circumstance and she felt like since this was all so new to them, and really fucking intense, they needed more time before those words appeared once again. She didn't even know what they were technically. Was she their girlfriend? Were they her boyfriends? They hadn't really talked about it or what it was officially and she was afraid to ask. She knew the boys had only had casual relationships, and whilst they hadn't spoken to another girl since the birthday incident, she worried a little that maybe it was serious more on her behalf than theirs.

She sighed a little as she glared at the mattresses and she suddenly got an idea. Sleeping on one mattress was no easy feat for three fucking people, and at least once a night she was woken up by a grumbling twin after they'd rolled off the edge. She jotted bed down on her list and smiled. She knew the boys wouldn't like it, they never did when she spent money on them. But this was for her as much as for them, and it also made it seem more permanent. Getting them one big bed. She knew she'd need to sweeten the deal a little, butter them up, and that lead her to phase two of her plan. She smirked to herself, standing up and grabbing her jacket before heading out the door.

The deli was right by the furniture store and her eyes lit up as she saw her favourite caveman walking out with a bag full of food.

"Rocco!" She called out with a grin, making her way over. He looked around confused until his eyes landed on her, walking over to meet her with his usual lovable grin on his face. He wrapped her in a tight hug before moving away.

"Lila, what are you doin' here?" He asked with a smile, acting like he was so happy to see her even though they had seen each other the night before when she worked at the bar.

"Just running errands, looks like you're doing the same?" She asked with a snort as she gestured to the bag. He rolled his eyes with a grumble before giving her a grin. She knew he hated his job but he couldn't get out of it. If she was honest, she was scared for her friend. She knew too well the destruction the mob could bring and she feared for him. Hopefully he'd just stay an errand boy and they'd never feel the need to fucking get rid of him.

"Yeah, I can't stop long, gotta get back to the boss man. You workin' tonight?" He asked, already knowing the answer and she laughed a little at his ridiculous question.

"I work every night Roc." She smirked, poking his side a little and making him huff a laugh.

"Hey, you know what, you and me should grab breakfast sometime, I feel like we never get to hang out just us." She suggested with a beaming smile that he knew he'd never be able to say no to.

"You sure thing 1 and thing 2 will be alright with that?" He snorted, making her bark out a loud laugh.

"Yes, if not they can deal with it. I'm entitled to a life Rocco." She stated with a sassy eye roll. He nodded and scratched his beard. She was right after all.

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