"Where'd MC go?" Yoosung asks, crunching on a carrot.

"She's with Jumin." Luciel says. Looking pointedly at me with a raised eyebrow, he asks "What do you think they're talking about?".

Why me? Why does he want to know what I think? I eventually reply, "How would I know? I respect people's privacy, unlike some hackers.". He smirks at me, still seeming interested in my reaction. But my passive-aggressive comment seemed to satisfy him for the time being.

"I hope Jumin isn't plotting something." Zen says. "I don't trust that guy.".

Luciel seems shocked at first, but then gives a hearty chuckle. "Oh, It's a triangle!".

"What?". I tilt my head slightly. No matter how much time I spend with Luciel, I don't think I'll ever understand the way his mind works.

"Oh, it's just that-", he quickly swipes off his glasses and gives a charismatic smile, "I, am the king of information!".

After staring for a moment, Zen says "You're a weird little man...".

We all go kind of quiet, silently munching on snacks.

'What could Jumin possibly want to talk about?'.

I strongly hope Zen's suspicions turn out to be false, knowing Jumin, he wouldn't do anything like that though. He's a man of honesty, however, I still cant help but be concerned...





After Jaehee's footsteps fade, Jumin launches into the conversation.

"We should be quick. I wouldn't want anyone worrying about us.". He adjusts his cuff's, "I had a few questions for you MC.".

"Alright. What's up?" I ask.

"Firstly, I would like to know if there is any way I could still convince you to be my assistant. You may not be the most qualified, but your loyalty would more than make up for it.". Before I can answer, he continues, "Second of all, If you won't join me, then why? What is holding you back?".

Unsure how to answer, I frankly say "I just want to stay and run the cafe with Jaehee, that's all.".

"But if I remember correctly," he pauses, thinking, " you mentioned you had a major in Mathematics and a minor in English. Doesn't it seem like a bit of a waste running a coffee shop? However, your skills would be very useful at C&R.".

He got me there, It never was my idea to be a business owner.

"This seems more like Jaehee's dream, not yours. She would be perfectly capable of running it herself.". He crosses his arms at me expectantly.

"I-", he caught me off guard, I'll admit that. He will not make me regret my decision however. "It's true my education would be well suited for an office job." I say directly. I step towards him, keeping eye contact, "This may not have been my original plan, I don't even know what I was going to do after college." I admit. "But this is my life now, and I hope you can respect my decision.".

I spoke with such authority, he flinched slightly at my unexpected response, composing himself before replying, "I'm sorry if I undermined your decision. I won't bring it up again.". Considering things over for a second, he asks "It's something more than running a coffee shop to you, isn't it?".

Was it that obvious? I'm not ready for the whole RFA to know! "Well... I-I uh."

He holds a hand up to silence me. "I'm not sure exactly what your reasons are, but you shouldn't feel obliged to tell me.". With that, he heads towards the kitchen, returning to the group. Before he exits the room, he throws "You don't need to tell anyone anything, unless you feel comfortable to do so.", over his shoulder before he leaves.

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