She had only got a few hits to his jaw before Kylo tried grabbed hold of her wrists and bucked his hips up causing Rey to lose her hold and tumble forward over him. He took the opportunity and flipped her, now he was straddling her. She fought like wild trying to break free from his hold. He pinned her wrists down above her head and leaned inches from her face.

"You will not, and cannot overpower me." he whispered to her, his breath fanning across her face.

Rey stopped struggling and stared at him. His eyes looked different, they were intense like always, but in a way Rey was unfamiliar with. An intensity that scared and thrilled her.

She shot her head forward hearing a crack as her head collided with his nose. He pulled back immediately capturing both her wrists in one hand and pinning them back while his other hand grabbed her face.

He looked unreadable, blood dripping from his nose down to his chin. Rey felt panic spike through her as Kylo laughed. A laugh that made even the Stormtroopers shift uncomfortably at their posts.

"Well Done."

His smile stretched across his face as he looked down at her, blood and all, nearly made Rey's heart stop.

The doors to the training room opened revealing general Hux and two of his men on either side of him. The general, visibly uncomfortable with the sight before him, made a loud cough to signal his presence. Kylo on the other hand didn't acknowledge the general. He just kept his eyes locked on Rey. Holding her in the lock position. Kylo's smile faded at the sound of Hux's voice.

"Sir, Marius has returned and is waiting for you in your study."

"I'm busy here, Hux." Kylo remained unmoving.

"Sir it's very important, it's regarding FN 2187." Hux reported shifting his uncomfortable gaze away.

Kylo watched her expression at the mention of Finn's name. Her heart stopped. Did they capture him? Do they know where the resistance is hiding? Rey tried hard to compose her emotions while Kylo eyes studied her face carefully.

"Very Well. I will return shortly." He said as he released his firm grip on her face and got up, wiping his bloody nose with the back of his gloved hand. He made his way to the back table to collect his helmet.

Rey scrambled up and followed him. "What's going on? Where is Finn?"

Kylo turned sharply. "You mean the traitor?"

"He's not a traitor."

"He's a coward. He abandoned his post, disobeyed orders, and joined the enemy. He should be executed."

"Doesn't that make me a traitor to? Abandoning the resistance to come to you? Shouldn't you execute me to?"

"No. That's not the same."

"It is."

"Just stay here and practice your form. I will return shortly. And don't try to escape. I won't be so forgiving the next time." He slid his helmet on before exiting the room with Hux following behind him.

It felt like forever before Kylo finally returned to the training room.

"Where is he?" She asked before he could get his helmet off.

"It seems you 'friend' was hiding on the planet of Dantooine. Near the outer rim. One of my Knights caught him before he could escape. He put up a good fight but Marius was quick to take him down."

"What about the others?"

"You will be happy to hear that they are safe. They made a run for it before we could capture them."

Unbounded : A Reylo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now