I was feeling a way after he just shut me down, I decided not to say anything else just to avoid any arguments, Juice and I had been doing fine in our lives I wasn't gonna ruin that because we were simply on two different opinions. Once I was done I pulled my hair up walking over to the shower soon I pulled the door open I got a mug, "I'll be right out let me get this soap off."

"I usually get in with you what's the big deal?" I asked stepping in behind him. "We shower together everyday."

"I can't wanna shower once by myself, you make the decisions for your body why can't I make em for my shower?" I chuckled grabbing my sponge and Dove body wash. I couldn't believe this nigga was really acting like a little ass kid.

"Okay Jontae' what I'm not gonna do is argue with you about something that shouldn't even be a deal, what reason do you have to want another baby, you work all the damn time we hardly ever get to see you unless it's early mornings, your body doesn't have to change and you damn sure don't have to go through painful ass labor pains. I gave you three kids, twins at that and now you expect me to have more, boy bye." As much as I loved my husband and lord knows I do, there was no way in the hell I'm having another kid.

I just won't do it.

"You act like I wanna be out working all fucking day, I do that shit for y'all so we can have all this." He said opening his arms referencing to the house. "I would to spend all fucking day with my kids but if I do that who gone run my business nesses and shit, you?" I waved him off paying him no mind.

"Yeah wave me off, aight." He shut off the water leaving me standing there with soap all over my body and no water. "Forget I even said something about it, you right I don't have time for my family what the fuck I need with more kids."

"You know that's not what I' saying." I defended turning the water back on so that I could finish up. "You're being real petty right now Jontae'."

"Yeah whatever." I heard the bathroom door slam shut letting me know I was alone, I dropped my head feel horrible.

How in the hell was I supposed to make this shit right, without giving in to having another fucking child.


"Good morning daddy." Pai smile up at me as I made my way into her room.

Hearing Mina tell me I wasn't there enough for my kids had me feeling some kind of way, like was she saying I wasn't a good father because if so, that was a fucking lie.

"Morning Princess, how did you sleep?" I leaned in kissing her forehead like I always did.

"Good, are you leaving for work now?" She asked only confirming what her mother said to be true. "Can you get off early tonight so we can do something fun?" Nodding my head I grabbed her small body sitting her in my lap like I had been doing since she was a month old.

"I think I can do that for my baby, what did you have in mind?" She tapped her chin thinking of what she wanted to do. "How about this, I pick you and your brothers up from school today and we'll do whatever y'all wanna do." Her eyes instantly lite up.


"Cross my heart hope to die, stick a needle in my eye." I put an imagery cross over my heart before attacking her with tickle monsters.

"Daddy you're so funny." I stood up carrying her into her bathroom. "Start getting ready for school while I wake up your brothers." On my way out I stopped turning around to see Pai now brushing her teeth, "Pai, what would you say if mama and I had another baby?" He got so big I thought there gonna fall out.

"Oh my gawd daddy don't you guys have enough kids already, don't get me wrong I love my brothers but another one?" She shook her head no. "Three is the max daddy."

"Gotcha, I was just checking I'll see you down stairs at breakfast, love you baby."

"Love you too dad."

By the time I got to the boys room London was up watching cartoons and Leg was still knocked out, I loved spending time with my kids and if I had more time in the day I would spend it with them. However, I still wanted another baby to complete my family no matter what Mina or Paisley said.

By the time I was done getting the boys up and started on their day I headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast but Mina was already there, I thought about turning around to avoid her but thankfully the door bell chimed.

"Are you expecting somebody?" She shook her head no, never stopping what she was doing.

"Well I'll get that." I jogged to the door seeing a small silhouette on the outside. Frowning my face I took a deep breath before opening the door, I could easily tell who it was without even seeing their face.

Slowly pulling the door open I put on a fake smile saying, "Hey mama, what you doing here?"

"I can't come see my son and my grandkids, am I not welcomed in the house you pay bills at?" She was always being so damn extra. "You gone leave me out here or can I come in?"

"My bad mama, come in we were just about to have breakfast," I stepped out taking her bags letting her go in before me. "Everything okay ma, I never thought you would leave Cali." She shrugged.

"I had to come check on my baby and make sure that lil witch ain't down here mistreating you."

"Baby, who was at the door?" Soon as Mina and my mom locked eyes I knew it was about to be some shit. "Mrs. Sasha what you doing here, Jontae' didn't say anything about you coming."

"That's because he didn't know, I popped up where my grandkids at?" She walked pass Mina nearly bumping her arm shouting the kids name out. "I see my son still taking care of you, when you gon' set an example for Paisley and them?" I could see things were about to take a turn for the worst so I stepped in.

"The kids should be down soon, let me show you to your room and get you settled in. " I mouthed sorry to Mina who shook her head making sure I knew we weren't done talking yet.

"I hope it's a nice big bed in there, you know Amina don't care for me."

Jontae' and Amina so Bae 😩😘

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Jontae' and Amina so Bae 😩😘


Okay Mrs. Sasha don't come starting no shit now cause we don't have time lol

How was that chapter? Do y'all think Mina should compromise with her husband on having another baby?

Tell me something, Until next time mu Lovely readers.... Thanks for reading, Queeny

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