32. Don't Control Me

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Today is my birthday, include me in all yours prayers. So happy to spend my third birthday in wattpad as a writer. Enjoy reading.

Krisha's POV:

             "How dare you? How dare you agreed for the new project? Get back Krisha. I don't want you to work on that project." He told me in a deadly calm tone scaring the hell out of me.

      But why shouldn't I?

               I had to speak for myself, I shouldn't keep mum this time. So I asked him back " Why?" Looking at his eyes.

          "Because I say so. I'm your husband and you have to listen to me." He told me banging his palm on the wall beside me.

           "That means... I'm your wife. Am I right? " I asked him back.

         "Of course you are idiot." He replied annoyingly.

                "You call me your wife Adith but I was not given any right over you. I can't use this room because its yours. I can't use your restroom because its yours. I can't even walk in this house with freedom because its yours. I don't have anything to do with you because you don't like it. You hate me Adi.. I can sense that you hate me. But still you call me your wife." I sighed.

           I walked passed him and sat on his bed tired "I have to work for my survival. I need money for me and Aarav. I have to work for my future." I said looking at the ground.

              He came to me and took hold of my wedding chain in his hand startling me " This is the proof that I'm your husband so cut your crap. So you work for money Krisha... Can't you see how much Aarav misses you? You prioritize money more than my son? I will give you money. I'll handle all your expenses are you happy now? You are not the girl I fell in love with. Shame on you." He said in a disgusting tone.

      So he thought I want money for my lavish so called life.

           I gave a bitter laugh to him and replied " Are you sure Adi? Think about it and give me a word. Because last time you gave me many promises that you'll always take care of me, you'll always stay with me, you'll always look after me but end of the day you left me in streets with a new born baby and a mother... Your mother.

              I had to take care of a baby and a elderly women and I had zero penny in my hands. From that day I started working, I saved money for my son and your mother.

             You are so concerned about your Son Aarav. What do you know about him? Huh? There were days I had to leave him with Urmima and work in a bakery to buy his monthly needs and feed your mother. There were days he cried for me to sleep.

                    Aarav was a baby by then Adi... He was so small and tiny...  I was working my ass off for my family while you were chilling with your so called money.

             Those days taught me one lesson never ever depend on your husband for money because they may throw us out any time. " his face was grief stricken and he was trying to digest the truth behind my words.

           "You are not worried about Aarav, the fact is you don't want me to work with Selva alone. That is the reason. You don't want me to grow in my career.  I know Aarav will miss me but when he grows up and learns what I am, he will be proud of me, I will make sure of that. He will love me more.

                    All the working women are not after money, they are after their family's welfare which depends on the money they make. So stop questioning our motherhood and judging us based on our job.

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