Chapter 17: Baby Boy Barnes

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On March 15th at 4 in the morning Bucky was holding her hand as she was screaming in pain as she pushed out their baby she was dripping in sweat. He whispered "Baby he's almost here one more big push." 

She gave one last push then they heard their son's cry at 4:05 AM they laid him on her chest. "Oh god he's perfect." he said 

"Brody Matthew James Barnes." she said 

Bucky kissed the side of her head "It's perfect." he said 

She was breastfeeding him while they enjoyed their first few hours with him. After they got done enjoying him the nurse took him to get bathed and measured. They moved her to her maternity room. They brought him back to her and said "8lbs and 7oz and 21 inches long." 

She laid him in Marissa's arms Bucky told the nurse his name and she filled out his crib card. Around noon their family came in to see him they all loved his name and loved on him. After school let out their friends came up to the hospital to see him. 

That night Bucky laid beside her with Brody on his chest "I love you Rissa baby." he said 

"I love you." she said as she rubbed Brody's back then kissed Bucky. 

They got go home a few days later after having him and that weekend they went out to Savannah to see his grandparents so they could meet his son and Marissa since they didn't come in for the wedding they wanted to wait to see if Bucky was really serious about getting his life on track before they would do anything with him.

When Brody was two weeks old they took him with them as they did a campus tour at UGA and looked at the student housing for students that are married with kids. They got to put Brody on the daycare program that was there on campus since they had already been accepted and he already signed up for his football scholarship there and she already accepted her academic scholarship for there. They put their name down for the apartment for them and made sure it was two bedroom. 

They walked around after while pushing Brody around in the stroller "You ready for this baby.. this fall this will be us and you will a season pass for all my games." he said 

She smiled at him "I can't wait to cheer on my sexy husband." she said 

"Stop..we have our son no dirty talk when he's around." he said 

She made a pouty face at him "Oh baby don't you dare." he said as he kissed her bottom lip. 

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