Chapter 2: His Obessession

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Sophomore Year has officially started and it was a Friday night Bucky was sitting at the very top of the bleachers with his cigarette and his phone in his hand zoomed in on Marissa. Natasha and Wanda seen him as they were down cheering as the boys played the game. Bucky didn't even pay attention to the game he was focused on Marissa flipping around doing stunts then watched as she did the half time show. 

After the game was over he seen her kissing Aaron her boyfriend of one year. Bucky rolled his eyes and lit up a new cigarette and left on motorcycle that he bought over the summer. That night Marissa went to the after party and had blast Aaron loved football season cause he could party with her. Marissa may put on a good girl act at school but if you partied with her then you knew differently. 

Aaron was behind "I saw Barnes staring at you again.." he said 

"So..I hate when your jealousy comes out Aaron it's not very attractive." she said 

"You don't mind the staring." he said

"I don't mind cause I have creepy old guys staring at me too." she said 

The following Monday she showed up in her glasses hair in a side braid and pair of shorts and hoodie. When she heard ""Steel Rose was at O'Charley's Saturday night how did we miss that.. they really need to start using their social media again." a guy in the hall said. 

Marissa realized that she hadn't been posting any shows they just schedule them and be done with it. That afternoon she didn't change any of the pictures she just posted their upcoming schedule. Bucky was writing another song about Marissa called Rose even though he had no idea that was part of her middle name. He was at the shop that been closed down for two years but he kept the lights on with the money he makes doing shows since his dad left it to him in the will. 

He blacked out the windows and pulled out all the auto shop supplies and turned it into a rehearsal studio in the last two years. He still used his dad's office as a place for the band's business meetings like when he calls to set up gigs or they call and leave messages so he doesn't get in trouble at school. And in that office on his desk sits a picture of Marissa that he took one day without her knowing. 


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