14 15 0

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 16

Destination: Eastern part of Eastern India – Earth

Roshan understood Sameer's obsession with planes now. He did. This plane was beautiful. It was about the size of the Resistance HQ back home. Which was not that big sure. But this was amazing.

They had to share rooms. Naturally. The trip to Zeroa takes approximately 80 hours in a 5th Gen aircraft. Which this was.

The eight of them had struck up a weird friendship of sorts in the last 2 hours or so. Ankit and Sameer had taken one of the rooms. He'd suggest to Naina that they both share. Obviously that didn't go well. She merely shut the door on face. Score one for Roshan.

So he'd ended up sharing with Clive. And the two had become friends. They both shared an unmatched enthusiasm for everything. And he'd also found out that Clive watched shows just like he did. While Clive could watch them on his big screen, Roshan had to steal glances at the Gen's computer.

Story of his life and all that.

Anyways, the most amusing of all was that Naina and the girl Vani had had to share a room. That would definitely be interesting.

He was roaming around aimlessly when he heard noises coming from the girls' rooms. He edged closer.

"I don't know what to say.", came a muffled voice. It was Naina.

"Don't worry. You're not alone."

"You can't know how amazing it feels to talk to another girl.", Naina said.

Vani laughed. "I know. I've been handling three doses of testosterone since 5 days and I am done with life. Anyways, here you go. I have a couple more in case you need them."

Huh? Need what? What did she need from Vani?

"You're a life saver. I can't believe I was so stupid I forgot to bring a few with me."

"Chill. Just tell me if it gets unbearable. I have a pill too."

"I owe you one."

Roshan was so confused. What pill? Was Naina sick?

He was so engrossed in his thoughts he didn't realise the conversation had ended. The door swung open in his face.

"Son of a-" He was caught.

"What the hell Roshan? You were listening?"

He flushed red. His momentary embarrassment was gone when he remembered the pills.

"Never mind that. What pills? Are you ok? What's wrong?"

Naina gaped. Vani was laughing her ass off behind Naina. What was going on?

"That was very sweet of you Roshan. No worries though. You're girlfriend just had her period.", Vani said wiping tears from her eyes.

Roshan's eyes widened. Ah. Oops.


Naina glared at him for two seconds and burst of laughing as well.

"Just look at your face! Serves you right for eavesdropping."

Wow. Naina was laughing. His Naina. He was going to have to thank Vani.

The girl caught his expression. He didn't know what he looked like but she stopped mid laugh and gave him a sad knowing smile.

Well. Oops. Not going there. He silently shook his head at Vani and turned to walk away.


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