29 16 0

Year: 2342

Month: August

Date: 2

Destination: Southern part of Western Earth – Earth

Naina wanted to punch someone in the face. Hard. Why did humans have to act so stupid all the god damn time. It genuinely confused her.

Neha had gone rogue. Of course she had. That was Neha. She had come to accept this nature of hers, but it still pissed her off. Creatures never acted like this back at Tzazgeda.

Naina stiffened. Rule no. 1: No talking, thinking or crying about her home. That life is over now.

Naina was sitting on the top bunk of the bed she shared with Neha. When she'd first joined the Resistance, she had fought with her life with the General when he'd announced that she would be sharing her room. Naina wanted alone time. Naina wanted to not look at a human being. Naina wanted to pull off her gloves so cool air touched her hands and not dripping sweat. She couldn't do anything about her feet. If she took them off, Earth will probably have to survive another earthquake.

It was late in the day. Neha had been gone exactly 24 hours then. And she had no clue how to get her back. Naina had taken her gloves off and was examining her hands.

Her soft blue hands were petite with nails bitten down to almost half. Tiny blue and green veins peppered the surface of her hands. If she brought them near light, her hands spread an eerie glow.

Naina heaved a sigh. She had never wanted to come to Earth. She was absolutely fine at Tzazgeda. But she wasn't given a choice. Her people were always considerate. Always. So much some times that it backfired. She was probably the first to notice so. They thought so much about all the things, that it did bad more than good. But unlike the others, she didn't want to up and leave to a foreign planet. She wanted to stay and change the ways of the Gedas. But that plan had backfired as well.

The Gedas were not amused when a mere 15 year old decided to tell them that what they were doing was wrong.

One flaw of Tzazgeda. The pride of its people. Naina knew it would be the end of them. So when she tried to protest, her parents turned their backs on her. They were 'heartbroken' to have given birth to such a rebellious Geda.

But she had not backed down. So one day, when she once again tried to convince the Gedians to change their ways, they decided it was time. It was time to send her off. It was time to get rid of her. It was time to remove a stain from their pristine planet. They said that this was for her own good. They said this was for the good of their meteorite. But more than anything else, Naina knew this was just a way to make sure no one came in the way of their ways. So she had taken the shoot to Earth. She had given up on her home and had decided to make a life for her on Earth.

But earth was in chaos. She had known about the split. She had known its topography had been altered. But what she hadn't even thought of was that the split wasn't the real problem. It was how Earth dealt with it. She had landed in former India. And from the start, she had made sure that she'd intimidate any one who thought less of her.

She had stayed on the roads for 2 weeks. Living off of the rations packaged in her shoot. On the third day of her third week, Roshan had found her.

Roshan. God she hated him. She hated him. Absolutely loathed him. But fate always played a cosmic joke on her. It was Roshan who had offered her water. It was Roshan who had offered to take her to a place to stay. To take a shower. To sleep. The offer was too tempting. So she had accepted. Later did she find out, Roshan was a part of a resistance against the people who were responsible for Earth's current state.

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