19 14 0

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 17

Destination: Sector Beta – Zeroa

The sound of keys being typed off was so soothing to Isha ,sometimes, well most of the times that's all she wanted to hear.

She worked silently and efficiently still thinking about the conversation she had heard last night in one of the game simulations:

"Her health is not deteriorating!", Commander Peral had hissed to Lil.

"I know that. Give it some time. This is the first time we're interacting with the humans of this age. Who knows what their endocrine systems have gone through. We're still monitoring her. Her hormonal signalings are unnaturally high as we expect. Its just, the atmosphere is not affecting her. Like, her body has a hidden reservoir of oxygen to utilise. We will get to it sir. Please have a little faith in u-"

She had been cut off mid sentence and Isha had heard a thud and a grunt. Peral had grabbed Lil by her collar and pushed her against the wall.

"I will have faith in you, Miss Sewent, when you show me you are worthy of it. I know the trouble your rotten brats come in. They think they're better than everyone. With one going against our traditions and the other being too cocky. I knew I made the right decision not making the boy head of the aerial department. And if I find out, that one of them is in on this, I will personally see to it that all of you have been disposed. Now get. To. Work."

Isha's blood had been singing with rage. How could that no name wannabe talk to her guardian like this?

Lil had come to their apartment after this and sharing one moment of complete silence with the twins, had realised that they knew of what had happened.

"I-I'm sorry. But killing Neha is non-negotiable. It's not going to happen." She had never heard such conviction in her brother's voice.

Isha felt her heart settle down with a pang. Her brother was always so reserved, so calm and composed. He never even had a fling, just like her, though he had no delusions of grandeur about finding THE ONE. Yet, he had fallen for that one thing, or rather one person who he could never truly be with.

Maybe she was getting ahead of herself. Maybe he didn't like her. But she had seen his eyes when he'd returned that night. She had never seen Ayaan's gold eyes sparkle as they had that day. Nor had she ever seen his jaw set so straight with determination. She had sighed and said, "Alright. What mess are we about to enter now."

And that was that.

Lil saw it too. And that's why, she hadn't told anyone about Ayaan's act of treason. Yes. Treason.

"Ayaan. I know. And I will say what I said before. We will get the human out of here. I swear it on my life. Now. Isha? Any updates?"

"None so far. This is getting annoying. I've been trying to get in the database of the air forces of earth since the last 30 hours. Whoever this guy is, he's good."

"Who's to say it's a he?"

"I don't know. Just a feeling."

Isha too had to deal with some issues. Although she wished hers were about some forbidden love. Huh. Nope.

Isha and Ayaan had headed up to the Centre to talk to Neha and they found out she was part of some resistance group back on earth. She was also adamant on their not contacting them. Why they asked;

"Are you kidding? My dad and my friends will SLAUGHTER me when they reach to get me. Nuh-Uh."

Ayaan hid a smirk and Isha had stared at this weird creation with surprise. She could see what Ayaan saw in her.

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