20 16 0

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 12

Destination: Southern part of Eastern Earth – Earth

Ankit was sitting in his room solving a rubrik cube. That was the only thing which helped settle his anxiety. The way the colours found their way to each other soothed him to a new level.

He was nervous. Sure he'd joined up with a resistance that officially tagged him a traitor to the world. That took guts. But what he was about to do was something else. He was leaving the planet. In all his 16 years of existence, he had never imagined himself on a spacecraft to some other planet which contained not humans but something far more dangerous.

But he'd have to do it. It was his friend who had done something stupid. No one was actually shocked that she pulled off something like this. It was to be expected from Neha.

It was like their routine. Roshan and Neha brought them in trouble, and the rest of them got them out of it.

Ankit still had reservations about Naina. The two of them hadn't actually ever had a proper conversation so far. All he knew about this girl was that she had somehow changed Roshan.

Roshan acted creepy after that day. He would stand up straighter when she was in the room. He would never let anyone insult her. He would always, always preach about her. And he was also always worried about her.

But still, Ankit was yet to find out just who Naina was. Neha on the other hand he knew. Well, everyone knew her. But still, he cared about her. And without her, their group was incomplete. She was needed to maintain those levels of crazy.

The General had told him to pack the bare minimums. A rubrik cube was definitely coming with him. His sister had gifted it to him. She was 3 years younger than him and he absolutely adored her.

That night, Ankit, Sameer, Roshan and Naina met outside the building and nodded at each other in the way of greeting. An unspoken thought was shared among them and as one they started walking toward the bikes waiting for them. They couldn't afford to travel in something as noticeable as cars or buses.

They would go to the airport and from there they'd all head off to the Western Earth where they would meet their new comrade.

He had a feeling his life was about to change.


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