
23 5 0

3:14 PM
june 1, 2019

"nothing makes sense in this crazy world."  - beast boy [teen titans go!]

my ears perked up as i heard the faint voice of beast boy on television.

i watch that, when i'm bored or whenever i feel like it. i was eating lunch, yes at 3 PM, and my brother was watching that show.

that line was simply written by them but it holds such a very deep meaning.

cuz it is the truth, nothing really makes sense in this bizarre, kooky world.

chain of events happen here all the hecking time.

there are feuds, organizations, accidents, incidents, locales, vendettas, and anything else that makes you go wow.

nature, cities, space and whatnots.

they are great. and because of us human beings, we made them great, beautiful, erratic, crazy and polluted.

polluted. pollution. one of the problems being talked about worldwide.

you see this is why i abhor myself. don't worry i have a lot of reasons to.

one of which is because i'm a useless douchebag who can't do a single thing right.

i can't even protect my own environment. i honestly just don't get why we do this to our home planet.

animals are dying.

i cried and didn't smile for a week after i heard about Sudan, the last male northern white rhinoceros, passed away.

he was the last male of his species. and now.. now they are extinct, there have been talks about bringing them back.

but i don't wanna get my hopes up.

this is the "crazy" today.

it made me tear up when i looked at the animal online. Sudan was old, and it made me sad how we humans have a lot of things we can never ask for.

we were lucky. the rich were.

once was a beautiful landscape, and now, it's placed with plastics here and there. because of us.

sometimes because of me.

when i was a child, i was dumb about this world, at least that's what i think so. so before, whenever i feel lazy which is often, i threw away my trash anywhere i like.

can you believe that?

i want to smack myself. a whole lot.

i really do want to change this world. i really, really do.

i mean, we all do, don't we?

we want to change the world into a better place for the future generations.

i want this planet to live very long.

but how can we do that though when we're practically killing it?

the nature that was given to us. we should cherish it everyone. yes, i'm trying really hard.

we all are. and we have to.

i think this is our last chance to do that.

they say by 2040, there could be only just thousands of fishes living.

i wanted to travel since forever, but i don't want to travel when everything is already a mess. i still want to see Europe, Asia and every place all fresh and lively.

it's sad to hear about Notre Dame though, i wanted to travel there.

crazy things happen to this planet Earth.

yes, it is a crazy world. but it is what makes it unusual and exciting.

it's a challenge given to us, to protect and take care of our place.

for world peace.

for loved ones.

for freedom.

we all want that.

so let's try and challenge ourselves.

entry end.

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