Chapter 28

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November 16
Back to around 10:30 a.m when Chan tried to call Minho

Minho's POV

I was looking through stacked the pile of paper on my desk.
I ran my fingers through my hair
in frustration. JB and Namjoon both forbid me from talking to my own boyfriend and the rest of 3racha. JB found out that Chan and I were dating, and didn't take the news well.


We where still having the meeting about Jeongin's disappearance. When Seungmin let it slip that I was boyfriend to the most wanted criminal in Seuol."You're dating Bang fucking Chan! Are you that stupid to date a criminal knowing you're a detective." JB raised his voice. It looked as if he was going to throw the remote in his hand, until Namjoon took it away.

I quickly stood up for my chair ready to defend my relationship.
"Not to make you more mad then you already are, but... LOOK WHO'S TALKING! You have no place to make it seem like I'm the only one who has been in a relationship with a criminal. I mean look at you. You fell in love with a Park Jinyoung. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he work with Jackson Wang. And the only reason why you two aren't together is because, of your STUBBORN ASS!" I took a deep breath before going on.

"I mean sure, you're now married to a lovely lady, but for two years you tortured yourself trying to forget about him!" I shouted. Everyone was in complete shock. JB had a look of defeat in his eyes.
Namjoon cleared his throat to draw the attention to him and not JB and I. "I think it's for the better if you stop seeing him. Don't call or text him," he said.

"I sorry, but-," I was cut off by Namjoon.

"It's an order Lee Know."

"A stupid one!" I took a few steps closer ready to fight when my mouth was covered and I felt to pair hands on my shoulders, pulling me back to my seat.

Seungmin and Woojin grabbed my
"Calm down, Min."

End of Flashback

"Hey Minho. Hello?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see Jihyo waving her hand in my face.

"Yeah?" I questioned her as she moved her hand away.

"You're phone's ringing." I looked at the caller's ID to see it was '💕Mr. Bang Chan💕.' As much as I wanted to pick it up, I couldn't. I didn't want to disobey orders. I watched as I rung feeling guilty.

"I can't answer it," I frowned.
The phone finally stopped ringing. I leaned back in my chair, and saw Seungmin patted my back.




Seungmin took my phone and began to look at the texts. "He's just worried about you," he said.

"I still can't respond. I don't want to lose my job."

"But you also don't want to lose your boyfriend!" There were some eyes on us. Seungmin sighed and kneeled down and started to whisper to me. "Look as much as I tried to hate them, I couldn't. I mean sure they are known for all the bad stuff they do, but I realized they are more then that."

I smiled weakly "Don't you dislike Changbin?"

"That's a different story. Anyway, since you can't answer Chan, I will do for you." Seungmin picked up my phone and started to type. When JB reached over and took away the phone.

"What did I tell you?"

"You said Minho couldn't text him."

"Whatever, he have a lead on Jeongin's case, so if you two and Woojin would go to the address, you can possibly find something," JB explained.

"Right now?" Seungmin stuttered.

"Yes, is there a problem," Jb raised his eyebrows.

"Uh yeah, I have to take off my cast today in about half an hour."
Seungmin pointed to the cast on his wrist.

"Oh right you have a cast, well no one else is available besides you guys, so you'll just have to tell your doctor to hurry." JB then walked away.

"As much as I like the guy, he's getting on my nerves," Seungmin grinted his teeth.

"Oi, let's go!" Woojin shout. I grabbed my coat and left with them.

11:12 a.m

"Seungmin, stop tapping your foot," I commanded. We where in the waiting room, waiting.

"Kim Seungmin." It was Jin again smiling. We all went to the Jin to where ever he was leading us.
"So, how's your grandfather?" Jin asked.

"He's getting better, although he does complain about not being able to move around much." Seungmin responded.

"Hey Woojin, I'm going outside for air," I said.


"You see the Doctors visuals are going to kill me," I said sarcastically. Although I was drooling over him last time I saw him, it was different this time. Before I left looked at them once more. "I'll be outside. If you don't find me I was kidnapped."

"Hey, don't joke like that," Seungim whined.


11:45 p.m

I was sitting outside on a bench feeling the cold air hit my face. I felt as if tiny needles poking me. Today the sky was cloudy with the sun showing up once in a while. "Okay, let's go," I turned my head to see Seungmin and Woojin walking out. Seungmin had a lollipop in his mouth.

12:16 p.m

We where in Woojin's car outside a luxury house. I was in the back as usual just concentrate on the front door of the house."Are you sure this is the right place? It looks to nice for it to be someone to keep a kidnappy," Seungmin asked.

"Kidnappy?" I looked at him in confusion.

"I don't know anymore." He sighed leaning back on his seat.

"Well, this is the address JB sent, so it must be right," Woojin explained showing us the text message.

Seungmin scratched his head. "Something seems off though. It feels as if we are being watched."
Seungmin looked around the area.

"Who's going to knock?"

"I nominate Minho." Seungmin raised his hand.

"What, no!" I protested.

"I agree," Woojn said.

"Whatever, you guys are cowards." I got off the car skeptical. It did feel like someone or something was watching my every move. I picked up the pace trying not to look suspicious, with was stupid because, we have been in the car for about 10 minutes now.

Once I reached the door, I exhausted and rung the door bell. I wait a few seconds before trying again. Suddenly the door began to open by itself. I jumped back startled, but of course I'm not that dumb to go in. I was about to turn back to the car, when there was a black bag covering my face. Arms wrapped my waist and arms, restraining me from using my arm. I panicked and tried to break free.

"Let's me go!" I shouted. Then arms were wrapped around my legs lifting me up, and carrying me away.

"Hey!" I heard Woojin yelll. "Let him go you bastards."

"Woojin! Seungmin!"

I was being thrown in the back on a van.


I realized that I've barely mentioned Hyunjin in this story. Well at least I update. Also I feel like my writing sucked, anyway thank you for reading.



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